Closed shujaatak closed 6 years ago
I apologize for all the problems. This issue is known and I have fixed it on the advanced_control branch but not yet on the master. However, I have just pushed the fix to the master. Please pull the latest master and try compiling. The problem is that the angular acceleration has been removed for a long time; however, the CMake Cache prevents the change from surfacing on our development machines during compilations, instead, only on brand-new compilations.
These errors do not get away even after running catkin_make multiple times:
uavEE/src/autopilot_interface/include/autopilot_interface/detail/uavAPConversions.h:66:74: error: ‘const struct SensorData’ has no member named ‘angularAcc’ .acceleration.angular = Vector3ToXYZType(sd.angularAcc)