theinfosecguy / python-supabase-crud-api

FastAPI & Supabase CRUD Application
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What are the reasons to use FastAPI -> Supabase Client -> PostgREST -> PostgreSQL, vs FastAPI -> PostgreSQL? #1

Open dnk8n opened 7 months ago

dnk8n commented 7 months ago

I am interested in using both Supabase and FastAPI. I love both systems, and integrating them is very interesting. I am just interested in where each shines, how things might be better together, how one should best seperate concerns to leverage the best out of each framework.

dnk8n commented 7 months ago

Maybe it's better to import the automatic Supabase API into the FastAPI openai spec to unify the two APIs, so that they work side by side rather then one over the other.

E.g. Supabase for generic endpoints, FastAPI for more specific.

Maybe measuring the latency introduced by not going directly to PostgreSQL is minimal, and by going via Supabase, we get more cacheable, and more query optimized results.