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Issues with intern-geezer and phantomjs #3

Closed robertd closed 11 years ago

robertd commented 11 years ago

So I've tried to use completed-tutorial branch with intern-geezer since I'm using phantomJS (followed these instructions) but I'm getting error.

It seems that this.remote.get(require.toUrl('index.html')) .... from tests/functional/index.js is not resolving to the proper url for phantomjs.

Any ideas?

console output:

intern-tutorial-geezer git:(completed-tutorial) ✗ node node_modules/intern-geezer/runner.js config=tests/intern 
Defaulting to "runner" reporter
Listening on
Initialised phantomjs 1.9.1 on linux-unknown-32bit
Test main - index - greeting form FAILED on phantomjs 1.9.1 on linux-unknown-32bit:
Error: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined
    at registerSuite.greeting form [as test] (/var/www/intern-tutorial-geezer/tests/functional/index.js:11:6)
    at (/var/www/intern-tutorial-geezer/node_modules/intern-geezer/lib/Test.js:151:19)
    at /var/www/intern-tutorial-geezer/node_modules/intern-geezer/lib/Suite.js:158:13
    at signalListener (/var/www/intern-tutorial-geezer/node_modules/intern-geezer/node_modules/dojo/Deferred.js:37:21)
    at Promise.then.promise.then (/var/www/intern-tutorial-geezer/node_modules/intern-geezer/node_modules/dojo/Deferred.js:258:5)
    at /var/www/intern-tutorial-geezer/node_modules/intern-geezer/lib/Suite.js:157:26
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13)

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 100% ( 4/4 )
Branches     : 100% ( 2/2 )
Functions    : 100% ( 2/2 )
Lines        : 100% ( 4/4 )
phantomjs 1.9.1 on linux-unknown-32bit: 1/3 tests failed

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 100% ( 4/4 )
Branches     : 100% ( 2/2 )
Functions    : 100% ( 2/2 )
Lines        : 100% ( 4/4 )


// Learn more about configuring this file at <>.
// These default settings work OK for most people. The options that *must* be changed below are the
// packages, suites, excludeInstrumentation, and (if you want functional tests) functionalSuites.
    // The port on which the instrumenting proxy will listen
    proxyPort: 9000,

    // A fully qualified URL to the Intern proxy
    proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:9000/',

    // Default desired capabilities for all environments. Individual capabilities can be overridden by any of the
    // specified browser environments in the `environments` array below as well. See
    // for standard Selenium capabilities and
    // for Sauce Labs capabilities.
    // Note that the `build` capability will be filled in with the current commit ID from the Travis CI environment
    // automatically
    capabilities: {
        'selenium-version': '2.30.0'

    // Browsers to run integration testing against. Note that version numbers must be strings if used with Sauce
    // OnDemand. Options that will be permutated are browserName, version, platform, and platformVersion; any other
    // capabilities options specified for an environment will be copied as-is
    environments: [
        { browserName: 'phantom' }

    // Maximum number of simultaneous integration tests that should be executed on the remote WebDriver service
    maxConcurrency: 3,

    // Whether or not to start Sauce Connect before running tests
    useSauceConnect: false,

    // Connection information for the remote WebDriver service. If using Sauce Labs, keep your username and password
    // in the SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables unless you are sure you will NEVER be
    // publishing this configuration file somewhere
    webdriver: {
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 4444

    // Configuration options for the module loader; any AMD configuration options supported by the Dojo loader can be
    // used here
    loader: {
        // Packages that should be registered with the loader in each testing environment
        packages: [ { name: 'app', location: 'app' } ]

    // Non-functional test suite(s) to run in each browser
    suites: [ 'tests/hello' ],

    // Functional test suite(s) to run in each browser once non-functional tests are completed
    functionalSuites: [ 'tests/functional/index'  ],

    // A regular expression matching URLs to files that should not be included in code coverage analysis
    excludeInstrumentation: /^tests\//
csnover commented 11 years ago

You’ll need to use this.get('remote') not this.remote in the geezer branch, because old IE doesn’t support ES5 getter/setters. This needs to be clearer in the documentation.