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Support for build info on service tunnels #1076

Open seriema opened 8 years ago

seriema commented 8 years ago

The DigDug docs mention:

buildId | number | The build number of the software being tested by the job. Supported by Sauce Labs.

The BrowserStack docs mention:

build | Allows the user to specify a name for a logical group of tests. | Example: build 4.5 | Default: Untitled Build

It'd be pretty nifty with support for buildId on BrowserStack. I hacked it into the environments config just to try it out, and it looks pretty good: image

The config I used:

{ browserName: "chrome", os: "WINDOWS", os_version: "10", name: "example session name", build: 3186 }
jason0x43 commented 4 years ago

At least SauceLabs, BrowserStack, and CrossBrowserTesting support some level of test description;