theinvisible / openfortigui

VPN-GUI to connect to Fortigate-Hardware, based on openfortivpn
GNU General Public License v3.0
489 stars 54 forks source link

OTP dialog does not show #103

Closed wandering-tales closed 4 years ago

wandering-tales commented 4 years ago


The VPN I'm connecting uses OTP. I'm able to successfully connect via openfortivpn CLI, but not via the GUI. It seems from the debug log that the connection to the gateway is initiated, but hanging:

INFO:   Start tunnel.
DEBUG:  server_addr:
DEBUG:  server_port: 443
DEBUG:  gateway_addr:
DEBUG:  gateway_port: 443
DEBUG:  Setting cipher list to: HIGH:!aNULL:!kRSA:!PSK:!SRP:!MD5:!RC4
DEBUG:  Gateway certificate validation failed.
DEBUG:  Gateway certificate digest found in white list.
INFO:   Connected to gateway.

That INFO is the last log.

The following is an excerpt from the openfortivpn output:

INFO:   Connected to gateway.
Please enter one-time password:
INFO:   Authenticated.

I'm on a Debian Buster installation and use GNOME.

theinvisible commented 4 years ago


thanks, the specific keyword was missing to trigger the OTP dialog. Was added now in latest commit and will be active on next version.

wandering-tales commented 3 years ago

@theinvisible Sorry for the late reply. But the error is still there. Here follows the new output:

nov 5 16:59:14 INFO:   Start tunnel.
DEBUG:  server_addr:
DEBUG:  server_port: 443
DEBUG:  gateway_addr:
DEBUG:  gateway_port: 443
DEBUG:  Setting cipher list to: HIGH:!aNULL:!kRSA:!PSK:!SRP:!MD5:!RC4
DEBUG:  Gateway certificate validation failed.
DEBUG:  Gateway certificate digest found in white list.
INFO:   Connected to gateway.
nov 5 16:59:16 ERROR:  Could not authenticate to gateway (HTTP status code).
INFO:   Closed connection to gateway.
DEBUG:  server_addr:
DEBUG:  server_port: 443
DEBUG:  gateway_addr:
DEBUG:  gateway_port: 443
DEBUG:  Setting cipher list to: HIGH:!aNULL:!kRSA:!PSK:!SRP:!MD5:!RC4
DEBUG:  Gateway certificate validation failed.
DEBUG:  Gateway certificate digest found in white list.
INFO:   Logged out.

Now the program seems to log more than before, comparing to the output I pasted on March, as I know I see an ERROR.

I'm always able to connect via openfortivpn and this is the output:

INFO:   Connected to gateway.
Please enter one-time password:
INFO:   Authenticated.
INFO:   Remote gateway has allocated a VPN.
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/1
INFO:   Got addresses: [], ns [,], ns_suffix []
INFO:   Negotiation complete.
INFO:   Negotiation complete.
local  IP address
remote IP address
INFO:   Interface ppp0 is UP.
INFO:   Setting new routes...
WARN:   Route to gateway exists already.
WARN:   Route to gateway exists already.
WARN:   Route to gateway exists already.
WARN:   Route to gateway exists already.
WARN:   Route to gateway exists already.
INFO:   Adding VPN nameservers...
INFO:   Tunnel is up and running.