theinvisible / openfortigui

VPN-GUI to connect to Fortigate-Hardware, based on openfortivpn
GNU General Public License v3.0
489 stars 54 forks source link

Attempts to re-launch openfortigui sometimes fails #140

Closed elliotwutingfeng closed 2 years ago

elliotwutingfeng commented 3 years ago

Sometimes after disconnecting from an openfortigui VPN connection and exiting the application for the first time, attempting to launch openfortigui again will fail with no error messages. Attempts to kill the pid of openfortigui have no effect. The only workaround is to logout and login again.

OS & Kernel Version: 5.4.72-1-MANJARO x86_64 20.1.2 Mikah Desktop Environment: GNOME Shell 3.36.6

theinvisible commented 2 years ago

Sorry, i will not support other Distros than Ubuntu. As also nobody else answered here i will close this.