Closed keithgmitchell closed 2 years ago
Hi @keithgmitchell , could you please post the full traceback? It contains the information needed for debugging.
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cellrank/ul/models/ in wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
64 instance.reraise()
---> 65 return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
66 except Exception as e: # noqa: B902
TypeError: prepare() got an unexpected keyword argument 'color'
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_347/ in <module>
----> 1 velocygraphtor(annotated_final)
/tmp/ipykernel_347/ in velocygraphtor(annotated_final)
75 # )
---> 77
78 adata,
79 model,
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cellrank/ul/ in _genesymbols(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
284 use_raw=kwargs.get("use_raw", False),
285 ):
--> 286 return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cellrank/pl/ in gene_trends(adata, model, genes, lineages, backward, data_key, time_key, time_range, transpose, callback, conf_int, same_plot, hide_cells, perc, lineage_cmap, abs_prob_cmap, cell_color, cell_alpha, lineage_alpha, size, lw, cbar, margins, sharex, sharey, gene_as_title, legend_loc, obs_legend_loc, ncols, suptitle, return_models, n_jobs, backend, show_progress_bar, figsize, dpi, save, plot_kwargs, **kwargs)
197 models = _create_models(model, genes, lineages)
--> 199 all_models, models, genes, lineages = _fit_bulk(
200 models,
201 _create_callbacks(adata, callback, genes, lineages, **kwargs),
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cellrank/pl/ in _fit_bulk(models, callbacks, genes, lineages, time_range, parallel_kwargs, return_models, filter_all_failed, **kwargs)
483" Finish", time=start)
--> 485 return _filter_models(
486 models, return_models=return_models, filter_all_failed=filter_all_failed
487 )
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cellrank/pl/ in _filter_models(models, return_models, filter_all_failed)
532 model, FailedModel
533 ), f"Expected `FailedModel`, found `{type(model).__name__!r}`."
--> 534 model.reraise()
536 if not np.all(modelmask.values):
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cellrank/ul/models/ in reraise(self)
1349 """Raise the original exception with additional model information."""
1350 # retain the exception type and also the original exception
-> 1351 raise type(self._exc)(f"Fatal model failure `{self}`.") from self._exc
1353 def _get_colors(
TypeError: Fatal model failure `<FailedModel[origin=GAM[gene=None, lineage=None, model=GammaGAM(callbacks=['deviance', 'diffs'], fit_intercept=True, max_iter=2000, scale=None, terms=s(0), tol=0.0001, verbose=False)]]>`.
Thank you! The problem seems with passing color
TypeError: prepare() got an unexpected keyword argument 'color'
Think you'd need to pass it as plot_kwargs={'cell_color': 'pterotyping_donor__anno'}
; see other options for plotting here
Ahh did not see that in the traceback, thank you!
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