theislab / chemCPA

Code for "Predicting Cellular Responses to Novel Drug Perturbations at a Single-Cell Resolution", NeurIPS 2022.
MIT License
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two types of validation data for fine tuning experiment #150

Open bhomass opened 1 year ago

bhomass commented 1 year ago

sciplex_ood_splits has two declarations for split_ood_finetuning = "test".

One looks up the 32 validation_drugs, the second one uses random splits from train.

what is idea behind the validate drugs? how were they selected?

Ultimately which is the better version to use?

MxMstrmn commented 9 months ago

HI @bhomass,

the selection was done according to the original paper and their analysis of perturbation effect. Could you clarify, what you mean by 'sciplex_ood_splits has two declarations for split_ood_finetuning = "test".' ?