theislab / chemCPA

Code for "Predicting Cellular Responses to Novel Drug Perturbations at a Single-Cell Resolution", NeurIPS 2022.
MIT License
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How to best evaluate results? #3

Closed MxMstrmn closed 2 years ago

MxMstrmn commented 3 years ago

Current Stage

Ideally we can standardise the evaluation → Figure design For this it would be great to get some scripts & examples!

M0hammadL commented 3 years ago

R2 is similar to the code we have in CPA, we have to add a function that measures log-fold-change difference:

ctrl_ct_x = average of ctrl cells in cell line x real_drug_a_ct_x = average of drug a cells in cell line x pred_drug_a_ct_x = average of predicted drug a cells in cell line x

pred = pred_drug_a_ct_x - ctrl_ct_x real = real_drug_a_ct_x - ctrl_ct_x LFC_R2= R2(pred,real) that you can do for all genes and real genes and then cmpute R2 between pred and real.

MxMstrmn commented 2 years ago

Hi @M0hammadL,

plot boxplot for train/test/OOD

For these boxplots, we would have to return the whole list per category over which we sample, right?
Not sure if we should really store lists during training, maybe better to do after training?