theislab / chemCPA

Code for "Predicting Cellular Responses to Novel Drug Perturbations at a Single-Cell Resolution", NeurIPS 2022.
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Speeding up evaluation on LINCS #35

Closed siboehm closed 2 years ago

siboehm commented 2 years ago

evaluate still takes ~2h on LINCS (1h for evaluate, 1h for evaluate logfold). This makes it impossible to run the evaluation frequently, instead we can only run the evaluation at the end of a full training run. There is no good reason why this should take 2h, it can probably be done in a few minutes.

How to deal with this:

Problems: It's hard to guess how much effort this will be, could be 4h, could be 3 days. For now we can already do some runs with just a single evaluation at the end, though this issue will have to be fixed to enable HParam tuning and creating proper loss plots.

siboehm commented 2 years ago

Profile of a training run on LINCS (you can upload this to to look at it). There are clearly still a lot of things wrong with the evaluation. Also, the evaluate disentanglement seems to never finish (this is hard to profile, since it's all happening inside some obscure sklearn function).


siboehm commented 2 years ago

Profiling run without the disentanglement. I will look closer at this soon. Profile taken at commit df6e375add1983eefb31a7e6a8e5fafa8d576a76. profile_6539366.txt

siboehm commented 2 years ago

This was closed by #45