theislab / chemCPA

Code for "Predicting Cellular Responses to Novel Drug Perturbations at a Single-Cell Resolution", NeurIPS 2022.
MIT License
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BUG: Transfer of covariate embedding is broken #96

Closed siboehm closed 2 years ago

siboehm commented 2 years ago

We need to invest more effort to get the covariates embeddings to properly transfer from LINCS ⇒ SciPlex. Picture to illustrate:


The solution is to save the string name of the covariate with the embedding into the state_dict, st we can keep the same mapping. The way we currently have it implemented we just pull a basically random embedding from the top of the table, so this is not super useful.

Needs to support:

MxMstrmn commented 2 years ago

Atm, we do not have the covariate embeddings available for the pretrained LINCS models, do we?

But I agree, this is missing in the transfer at the moment.