I have installed dca using anaconda but when I try to run dca, there is a problem of import keras from dca.
Anaconda installation of dca:
conda install -c bioconda dca
All setup conditions are the same as setup.py file. I use jupyter notebook and check the version of packages:
scanpy==1.4 anndata==0.6.18 numpy==1.15.4 scipy==1.2.1 pandas==0.24.1 scikit-learn==0.20.2 statsmodels==0.9.0 python-igraph==0.7.1 louvain==0.6.1
keras== 2.0.8, six== 1.12.0, h5py== 2.9.0, kopt== 0.1.0
I can work with scanpy without any problem. However, when I import dca in Jupyter server using:
from dca.api import dca
they throw an error like this:
from keras.engine.base_layer import InputSpecModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keras.engine.base_layer'
Have you ever met this case? Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks a lot and nice day,
Dear Gökçen,
I have installed dca using anaconda but when I try to run dca, there is a problem of import keras from dca. Anaconda installation of dca: conda install -c bioconda dca All setup conditions are the same as setup.py file. I use jupyter notebook and check the version of packages: scanpy==1.4 anndata==0.6.18 numpy==1.15.4 scipy==1.2.1 pandas==0.24.1 scikit-learn==0.20.2 statsmodels==0.9.0 python-igraph==0.7.1 louvain==0.6.1 keras== 2.0.8, six== 1.12.0, h5py== 2.9.0, kopt== 0.1.0
I can work with scanpy without any problem. However, when I import dca in Jupyter server using: from dca.api import dca they throw an error like this:
Have you ever met this case? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks a lot and nice day,
Best, Hoa Tran