theislab / diffxpy

Differential expression analysis for single-cell RNA-seq data.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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TF1 InvalidArgumentError: Rank of input must be no greater than rank of output shape #202

Open Hrovatin opened 3 years ago

Hrovatin commented 3 years ago

I tried to run diffxpy with tf1 and normal noise. However, I get the below error.

import diffxpy.api as de
from anndata import AnnData
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Mock data

# DE test
            df = 3,
            test = 'wald',

The TensorFlow contrib module will not be included in TensorFlow 2.0.
For more information, please see:
  * (for I/O related ops)
If you depend on functionality not listed there, please file an issue.

/home/icb/karin.hrovatin/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/batchglm/utils/ FutureWarning: `rcond` parameter will change to the default of machine precision times ``max(M, N)`` where M and N are the input matrix dimensions.
To use the future default and silence this warning we advise to pass `rcond=None`, to keep using the old, explicitly pass `rcond=-1`.

WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method ReducableTensorsGLMALL.assemble_tensors of <batchglm.train.tf1.glm_norm.reducible_tensors.ReducibleTensors object at 0x7fcfc54937f0>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: LIVE_VARS_IN
WARNING: Entity <bound method ReducableTensorsGLMALL.assemble_tensors of <batchglm.train.tf1.glm_norm.reducible_tensors.ReducibleTensors object at 0x7fcfc54937f0>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: LIVE_VARS_IN
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method ReducableTensorsGLMALL.assemble_tensors of <batchglm.train.tf1.glm_norm.reducible_tensors.ReducibleTensors object at 0x7fcfc54e3b38>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: LIVE_VARS_IN
WARNING: Entity <bound method ReducableTensorsGLMALL.assemble_tensors of <batchglm.train.tf1.glm_norm.reducible_tensors.ReducibleTensors object at 0x7fcfc54e3b38>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: LIVE_VARS_IN
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method ReducableTensorsGLMALL.assemble_tensors of <batchglm.train.tf1.glm_norm.reducible_tensors.ReducibleTensors object at 0x7fcfc53d3710>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: LIVE_VARS_IN
WARNING: Entity <bound method ReducableTensorsGLMALL.assemble_tensors of <batchglm.train.tf1.glm_norm.reducible_tensors.ReducibleTensors object at 0x7fcfc53d3710>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: LIVE_VARS_IN
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method ReducableTensorsGLMALL.assemble_tensors of <batchglm.train.tf1.glm_norm.reducible_tensors.ReducibleTensors object at 0x7fcfc5353f98>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: LIVE_VARS_IN
WARNING: Entity <bound method ReducableTensorsGLMALL.assemble_tensors of <batchglm.train.tf1.glm_norm.reducible_tensors.ReducibleTensors object at 0x7fcfc5353f98>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: LIVE_VARS_IN
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/icb/karin.hrovatin/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/batchglm/train/tf1/base_glm/ where (from tensorflow.python.ops.array_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use tf.where in 2.0, which has the same broadcast rule as np.where

InvalidArgumentError                      Traceback (most recent call last)
~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/client/ in _do_call(self, fn, *args)
   1364     try:
-> 1365       return fn(*args)
   1366     except errors.OpError as e:

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/client/ in _run_fn(feed_dict, fetch_list, target_list, options, run_metadata)
   1349       return self._call_tf_sessionrun(options, feed_dict, fetch_list,
-> 1350                                       target_list, run_metadata)

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/client/ in _call_tf_sessionrun(self, options, feed_dict, fetch_list, target_list, run_metadata)
   1442                                             fetch_list, target_list,
-> 1443                                             run_metadata)

InvalidArgumentError: {{function_node __inference_Dataset_map_fetch_fn_372}} Rank of input (3) must be no greater than rank of output shape (2).
     [[{{node BroadcastTo}}]]

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

InvalidArgumentError                      Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-16f8030636fd> in <module>
     10             size_factors=abs(adata.X.sum(axis=1)),
     11             backend='tf1',
---> 12             noise_model='norm'
     13     )

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/diffxpy/testing/ in continuous_1d(data, continuous, factor_loc_totest, formula_loc, formula_scale, df, spline_basis, as_numeric, test, init_a, init_b, gene_names, sample_description, constraints_loc, constraints_scale, noise_model, size_factors, batch_size, backend, train_args, training_strategy, quick_scale, dtype, **kwargs)
   2308             quick_scale=quick_scale,
   2309             dtype=dtype,
-> 2310             **kwargs
   2311         )
   2312         de_test = DifferentialExpressionTestWaldCont(

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/diffxpy/testing/ in wald(data, factor_loc_totest, coef_to_test, formula_loc, formula_scale, as_numeric, init_a, init_b, gene_names, sample_description, dmat_loc, dmat_scale, constraints_loc, constraints_scale, noise_model, size_factors, batch_size, backend, train_args, training_strategy, quick_scale, dtype, **kwargs)
    738         quick_scale=quick_scale,
    739         dtype=dtype,
--> 740         **kwargs,
    741     )

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/diffxpy/testing/ in _fit(noise_model, data, design_loc, design_scale, design_loc_names, design_scale_names, constraints_loc, constraints_scale, init_model, init_a, init_b, gene_names, size_factors, batch_size, backend, training_strategy, quick_scale, train_args, close_session, dtype)
    244     estim.train_sequence(
    245         training_strategy=training_strategy,
--> 246         **train_args
    247     )

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/batchglm/models/base/ in train_sequence(self, training_strategy, **kwargs)
    122                         (x, str(d[x]), str(kwargs[x]))
    123                     )
--> 124             self.train(**d, **kwargs)
    125             logger.debug("Training sequence #%d complete", idx + 1)

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/batchglm/train/tf1/base_glm_all/ in train(self, learning_rate, convergence_criteria, stopping_criteria, train_loc, train_scale, use_batching, optim_algo, *args, **kwargs)
    315                 require_fim=require_fim,
    316                 is_batched=use_batching,
--> 317                 **kwargs
    318             )

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/batchglm/train/tf1/base/ in _train(self, learning_rate, feed_dict, convergence_criteria, stopping_criteria, train_op, trustregion_mode, require_hessian, require_fim, is_batched, *args, **kwargs)
    158                  self.model.model_vars.convergence_update),
    159                 feed_dict={self.model.model_vars.convergence_status:
--> 160                                np.repeat(False, repeats=self.model.model_vars.converged.shape[0])
    161                            }
    162             )

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/client/ in run(self, fetches, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
    954     try:
    955       result = self._run(None, fetches, feed_dict, options_ptr,
--> 956                          run_metadata_ptr)
    957       if run_metadata:
    958         proto_data = tf_session.TF_GetBuffer(run_metadata_ptr)

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/client/ in _run(self, handle, fetches, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
   1178     if final_fetches or final_targets or (handle and feed_dict_tensor):
   1179       results = self._do_run(handle, final_targets, final_fetches,
-> 1180                              feed_dict_tensor, options, run_metadata)
   1181     else:
   1182       results = []

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/client/ in _do_run(self, handle, target_list, fetch_list, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
   1357     if handle is None:
   1358       return self._do_call(_run_fn, feeds, fetches, targets, options,
-> 1359                            run_metadata)
   1360     else:
   1361       return self._do_call(_prun_fn, handle, feeds, fetches)

~/miniconda3/envs/diffxpy_tf1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/client/ in _do_call(self, fn, *args)
   1382                     '\nsession_config.graph_options.rewrite_options.'
   1383                     'disable_meta_optimizer = True')
-> 1384       raise type(e)(node_def, op, message)
   1386   def _extend_graph(self):

InvalidArgumentError:  Rank of input (3) must be no greater than rank of output shape (2).
     [[{{node BroadcastTo}}]]