theislab / ehrapy

Electronic Health Record Analysis with Python.
Apache License 2.0
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Impossible to calculate UMAP with custom connectivities keys #789

Closed VladimirShitov closed 2 months ago

VladimirShitov commented 2 months ago


Consider the use case when you have several layers with some representations of patients in the data. You want to calculate neighbours and connectivities separately for these layers and then build a UMAP. Naturally, you want to store neighbours and connectivities in custom slots to not lose them. key_added in ep.pp.neighbors and neighbors_key in provide such a possibility. Unfortunately, using them atm is not possible without some magical rituals.

Here's a code to reproduce errors. Uncomment all 3 lines to get the code that does the job.

import anndata
import numpy as np
import ehrapy as ep

X = np.random.random((5, 3))  # 5 cells, 3 genes
layers = {
    'layer_1': np.random.random((5, 3)),
    'layer_2': np.random.random((5, 3)),

adata_test = anndata.AnnData(X=X, obsm=layers)

ep.pp.neighbors(adata_test, use_rep='layer_1', key_added='layer_1')
# adata_test.uns["neighbors"] = None  # Uncomment to fix, neighbors_key='layer_1')

# del adata_test.uns["neighbors"]  # Uncomment to fix

ep.pp.neighbors(adata_test, use_rep='layer_2', key_added='layer_2')
# adata_test.uns["neighbors"] = None  # Uncomment to fix, neighbors_key='layer_2')

When running like this, the code will produce the following error:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[47], line 17
     14 ep.pp.neighbors(adata_test, use_rep='layer_1', key_added='layer_1')
     16 # adata_test.uns["neighbors"] = None  # Uncomment to fix
---> 17, neighbors_key='layer_1')
     19 # del adata_test.uns["neighbors"]  # Uncomment to fix
     20 ep.pp.neighbors(adata_test, use_rep='layer_2', key_added='layer_2')

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ehrapy/tools/, in umap(adata, min_dist, spread, n_components, maxiter, alpha, gamma, negative_sample_rate, init_pos, random_state, a, b, copy, method, neighbors_key)
     81 def umap(
     82     adata: AnnData,
     83     min_dist: float = 0.5,
     96     neighbors_key: Optional[str] = None,
     97 ) -> Optional[AnnData]:  # pragma: no cover
     98     """Embed the neighborhood graph using UMAP [McInnes18]_.
    100     UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) is a manifold learning
    160         **X_umap** : `adata.obsm` field UMAP coordinates of data.
    161     """
--> 162     if adata.uns["neighbors"] is None or neighbors_key not in adata.uns:
    163         return
    164             adata=adata,
    165             min_dist=min_dist,
    178             neighbors_key=neighbors_key,
    179         )
    180     else:

KeyError: 'neighbors'

When the first comment is uncommented:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[49], line 20
     16, neighbors_key='layer_1')
     18 # del adata_test.uns["neighbors"]  # Uncomment to fix
---> 20 ep.pp.neighbors(adata_test, use_rep='layer_2', key_added='layer_2')
     21 # adata_test.uns["neighbors"] = None  # Uncomment to fix
     22, neighbors_key='layer_2')

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ehrapy/preprocessing/, in neighbors(adata, n_neighbors, n_pcs, use_rep, knn, random_state, method, metric, metric_kwds, key_added, copy)
    191 def neighbors(
    192     adata: AnnData,
    193     n_neighbors: int = 15,
    202     copy: bool = False,
    203 ) -> Optional[AnnData]:  # pragma: no cover
    204     """Compute a neighborhood graph of observations [McInnes18]_.
    206     The neighbor search efficiency of this heavily relies on UMAP [McInnes18]_,
    243          Instead of decaying weights, this stores distances for each pair of neighbors.
    244     """
--> 245     return sc.pp.neighbors(
    246         adata=adata,
    247         n_neighbors=n_neighbors,
    248         n_pcs=n_pcs,
    249         use_rep=use_rep,
    250         knn=knn,
    251         random_state=random_state,
    252         method=method,
    253         metric=metric,
    254         metric_kwds=metric_kwds,
    255         key_added=key_added,
    256         copy=copy,
    257     )

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scanpy/neighbors/, in neighbors(adata, n_neighbors, n_pcs, use_rep, knn, method, transformer, metric, metric_kwds, random_state, key_added, copy)
    176 if adata.is_view:  # we shouldn't need this here...
    177     adata._init_as_actual(adata.copy())
--> 178 neighbors = Neighbors(adata)
    179 neighbors.compute_neighbors(
    180     n_neighbors,
    181     n_pcs=n_pcs,
    188     random_state=random_state,
    189 )
    191 if key_added is None:

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/legacy_api_wrap/, in legacy_api.<locals>.wrapper.<locals>.fn_compatible(*args_all, **kw)
     77 @wraps(fn)
     78 def fn_compatible(*args_all: P.args, **kw: P.kwargs) -> R:
     79     if len(args_all) <= n_positional:
---> 80         return fn(*args_all, **kw)
     82     args_pos: P.args
     83     args_pos, args_rest = args_all[:n_positional], args_all[n_positional:]

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scanpy/neighbors/, in Neighbors.__init__(self, adata, n_dcs, neighbors_key)
    375     neighbors_key = "neighbors"
    376 if neighbors_key in adata.uns:
--> 377     neighbors = NeighborsView(adata, neighbors_key)
    378     if "distances" in neighbors:
    379         self.knn = issparse(neighbors["distances"])

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scanpy/_utils/, in NeighborsView.__init__(self, adata, key)
   1033     self._distances = adata.obsp[self._dists_key]
   1035 # fallback to uns
-> 1036 self._connectivities, self._distances = _fallback_to_uns(
   1037     self._neighbors_dict,
   1038     self._connectivities,
   1039     self._distances,
   1040     self._conns_key,
   1041     self._dists_key,
   1042 )

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scanpy/_utils/, in _fallback_to_uns(dct, conns, dists, conns_key, dists_key)
    973 def _fallback_to_uns(dct, conns, dists, conns_key, dists_key):
--> 974     if conns is None and conns_key in dct:
    975         conns = dct[conns_key]
    976     if dists is None and dists_key in dct:

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

When the first 2 comments are uncommented, the error is identical to the first case.

Version information

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Python 3.10.12 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jun 23 2023, 22:40:32) [GCC 12.3.0]
Session information updated at 2024-08-22 11:44
eroell commented 2 months ago

Wow what a great description of the issue thanks so much for reporting @VladimirShitov ! Got this bug really on spot! PR on the way fixing this!

VladimirShitov commented 2 months ago

Haha, I just had to find a workaround to work with my data, and ChatGPT nicely generated the toy test. I was happy to contribute!