theislab / scgen

Single cell perturbation prediction
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Batch correction incorrectly assigns cell labels #86

Closed Hrovatin closed 9 months ago

Hrovatin commented 9 months ago

I have tried to integrate some of my own data and then reproduce the example from , but it seems that the latent data and the obs are not joined correctly, creating wrong cell latent embedding-label pairs.

This is the result from the tutorial, with a clear mismatch between cell type clusters and cell labels image

I think the reason could be in as you don't check that indices match, but I haven't tested it so it may be a different reason.

scGEN version: 2.1.1

ps. the tutorial also has other mistakes, like cell_type->celltype and the use_rep is missing in neighbours computation for latent

Hrovatin commented 9 months ago

Indeed, changing the above line to corrected.obsm["latent"] = all_corrected_data[corrected.obs_names,:].X fixes the issue.

I also needed to add .detach() to self.module.generative(torch.Tensor(all_corrected_data.X))["px"].cpu().detach().numpy()


M0hammadL commented 9 months ago

Hi Karin

Thanks for pointing this out, could you kindly add that as a PR we can merge it then

M0hammadL commented 9 months ago

Btw see here you can do the same thing with cpa:

Hrovatin commented 9 months ago

The PR is here: I would just merge despite black failing as I didn't introduce any major formatting changes except the 4 lines as mentioned above