theislab / scib-pipeline

Snakemake pipeline that works with the scIB package to benchmark data integration methods.
MIT License
61 stars 28 forks source link

Dependency errors with running scib-pipeline. #60

Open TheVille415 opened 11 months ago

TheVille415 commented 11 months ago


Thank you so much for publishing the pipeline but I am having some errors getting the pipeline working properly.

Starting with the igraph version error, adding in louvain and cairocffi as dependencies, the (cannot import name 'Protocol' from 'typing') error, and working on finding the right version of optax. scvi, and scgen.

Here are some of the errors I have gotten:

The conflict is caused by:
    The user requested igraph<0.10
    scib 1.1.3 depends on igraph>=0.10

To fix this you could try to:
1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict
ImportError: cannot import name 'Protocol' from 'typing'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named "louvain
ImportError: cairo backend requires that pvcairo> 1.11.0 or cairocffi is installed 
Tracesack most recent call last):
File "scripts/integration/", line 67, in <module>
runintegration flle, out, run, hvg, batch, celltype)
File "scripts/integration/", line 24, in runIntegration
integrated = method adata, batch
File " /home/ubuntu/mambaforge/envs/scib-pipeline-R4.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scib/",line228,inscvi
from scvi.model import SCVI
" /home/ubuntu/mambaforge/envs/scib-pipeline-R4.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scvi/__init_
•py", line 10, in <module>
from . import data, model, external, utils
File "/home/ubuntu/mambaforge/envs/scib-pipeline-R4.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sci/model/",line6,in<module>
from •_jaxsevi import JaxsCVI
File " /home/ubuntu/mambaforge/envs/scib-pipeline-R4.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scvi/model/",line7,in<module>
import optax
File "/ home/ubuntu/mambaforge/envs/scib-pipeline-R4.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/optax/_init_py",line17,in<module>
from optax import experimental
File " /home/ubuntu/mambaforge/envs/scib-pipeline-R4.0/1ib/python3.7/site-packages/optax/experimental/__init_•py",line20,in<module> from optax._src.experimental.complex_valued import split_real_and_imaginary
File " /home/ubuntu/mambaforge/envs/scib-pipeline-R4.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/optax/_src/experimental/",line36,in<module>
from optax. src import base
File " /home/ubuntu/mambaforge/envs/scib-pipeline-R4.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/optax/_src/",line17,in<module> from typing import Any, Callable, NamedTuple, Optional, Protocol, Sequence, Tuple
ImportError: cannot import name 'Protocol from
'typing' (/home/ubuntu/mambaforge/envs/scib-pipeline-R4.0/lib/python3.7/
[Mon Jul 24 09:53:27 2023]
Error in rule integration_run_python:
    jobid: 5
    input: /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/prepare/unscaled/full_feature/adata_pre.h5ad
    output: /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/integration/unscaled/full_feature/scanvi.h5ad

        conda run --no-capture-output -n scib-pipeline-R4.0 python scripts/integration/           -i /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/prepare/unscaled/full_feature/adata_pre.h5ad -o /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/integration/unscaled/full_feature/scanvi.h5ad              -b batch --method scanvi  -c celltype

        (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)

[Mon Jul 24 09:53:28 2023]
Error in rule integration_run_python:
    jobid: 7
    input: /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/prepare/unscaled/full_feature/adata_pre.h5ad
    output: /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/integration/unscaled/full_feature/scvi.h5ad

        conda run --no-capture-output -n scib-pipeline-R4.0 python scripts/integration/           -i /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/prepare/unscaled/full_feature/adata_pre.h5ad -o /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/integration/unscaled/full_feature/scvi.h5ad        -b batch --method scvi  

        (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)

[Mon Jul 24 09:53:28 2023]
Error in rule integration_run_python:
    jobid: 6
    input: /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/prepare/unscaled/full_feature/adata_pre.h5ad
    output: /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/integration/unscaled/full_feature/scgen.h5ad

        conda run --no-capture-output -n scib-pipeline-R4.0 python scripts/integration/           -i /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/prepare/unscaled/full_feature/adata_pre.h5ad -o /repos/batch-effect-correction-pipeline/data/test_data_r4/integration/unscaled/full_feature/scgen.h5ad               -b batch --method scgen  -c celltype

        (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)

There have been many roadblocks in getting the pipeline working with the information we have posted. Is there a way to get an updated version of the pipeline, or an updated pipeline-R4.0.yml file?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

khushivora77 commented 5 months ago

I have run into the same problem.

Additionally, while running the Snakemake command, I encountered the following error:


As in highlighted in the image, it was a problem with ‘lru_cache’ . I have not been able to resolve that, and receive the output for the Snakemake command.