theislab / scib

Benchmarking analysis of data integration tools
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Running scib.metrics.metrics() produces dataframe of NaNs #385

Open EvanDMee opened 1 year ago

EvanDMee commented 1 year ago


I am attempting to run scib metrics with a merged object and an integrated object both of which were created in Seurat and imported for scib as .h5ad. When I try to run scib.metrics.metrics() with these objects it outputs a dataframe with NaNs for each metric and no error message. What could be going wrong here? I do not see any documentation as to what the function expects for each argument so I cannot determine what I may be doing wrong.


WhatMelonGua commented 1 year ago

hi, I have also been exploring the use of sciB recently. Have you set the correct parameters for the functions 'scib.metrics.metrics()'? such as [hvgscore , nmi, ari ......] you can see more about this function by the website below:

And during my use, you can set the parameters to True(like xxx_=True) to get that metric. If you don't set them,they are default False,then the function will fill the False metric with NA I don't know if that's the wrong parameter settings makes it happened.

for example,I set nmi [one of the Parameter] to True, then I'll get a dataframe with nmi(a value),and the metrics left are all NA