theislab / single-cell-tutorial

Single cell current best practices tutorial case study for the paper:Luecken and Theis, "Current best practices in single-cell RNA-seq analysis: a tutorial"
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R command throw UnicodeDecodeError #95

Open Mari123i opened 2 years ago

Mari123i commented 2 years ago

Hello dear authors,

I have a very persistend problem I can't find a solution for. When executing almost all commands in cells with "%%R" get a similar Error like this:

cell probalmes utf8 utf-8 decoding

The cell that did work was this one: but for the imports I had to work around as you can see, since it threw an error:

worked and workaround

How can I resolve this or what may be the cause? My R version is 4.2.0 and I am on Windows 10 x64.

Thank you a lot,


LuckyMD commented 2 years ago

Hi Mariam,

I'm afraid I have no experience with windows at all, so I can't be of much help. The error suggests that there's a strange encoding of a particular character. Could you try retyping the command in full yourself instead of using the notebook command to see if anything changes? I wonder if the way the comma is encoded in the command might be interpreted strangely.

Mari123i commented 2 years ago

I tried typing it but get the same error unfortunately. A simple command like this works: %%R j_1 = 1 print(1==j_1)

I tried to check wether equal signs are a problem or underscores.

Mari123i commented 2 years ago

I tried it also this way: same error


and checked all the chars of the input string


this is so weird because the character it is complaining about is not even there

no ü