theislab / singlecell_proteomics

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Where to find cell cycle adjusted file? #2

Open enryH opened 1 year ago

enryH commented 1 year ago


thanks for the interesting work and the provided notebook. I tried to wrap my head around the study and wonder where I can find 20210919_DIANN_SingleCellOutput.pg_matrix_cellcyclepred.tsv which I assume is the "normalized data using the retention time-dependent normalization module offered by the search engine DIA-NN across cells" mentioned in the paper?

Or is it something else? I could not find it in the PRIDE archive in the folder.

fabianegli commented 1 year ago

The answer in issue points to a zip file on PRIDE together with additional explanations about the what they contain and how they were generated.

enryH commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I found the files. I did not expect that files with the same name, but different file extension, contain different files. Maybe the zip file could be deleted on PRIDE as it contains the same files expect the two additional ones?

fabianegli commented 1 year ago

Generally, I agree it is confusing. However, I would favor a clear documentation about the used files in the README and/or Jupyter Noteook rather than plain out removing files from PRIDE.