Currently there are three LaCrosse devices in my house. A combined temperature/humidity sensor, a rain meter and a brightness sensor. The first two are shown correctly with all entities. But the brightness sensor only shows noise, RSSI and SNR. Brightness and exposure values are missing.
I added a Brightness definition...not sure that will do it. So when you get a chance update and let me know. I dont have a way to test that locally as of right now.
Using version: 0.3.1b
Currently there are three LaCrosse devices in my house. A combined temperature/humidity sensor, a rain meter and a brightness sensor. The first two are shown correctly with all entities. But the brightness sensor only shows noise, RSSI and SNR. Brightness and exposure values are missing.
When testing with rtl-433 I can see the values:
Configuration is the same as I used for rtl-433: PROTOCOL = -R 124
Any idea how to get the important values from the brightness sensor into Home Assistant?