thejinchao / turbolink

TurboLink is an unreal engine plugin enables Google gRPC work with Unreal Engine using C++ and Blueprint
MIT License
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Referencing a message from another proto file in an rpc causes missing imports in generated files #39

Open ebuxk opened 4 months ago

ebuxk commented 4 months ago

When generating the below common.proto & game-broken.proto, Private/SGame/GameContext.cpp has compilation issues.

GameContext.cpp(19): Error C2665 : 'TURBOLINK_TO_GRPC': no overloaded function could convert all the argument types

I found 2 ways to work around this:

  1. Editing the generated files. Manually add the include for /SCommon/CommonMarshaling.h to /SGame/GameContext.cpp.
  2. Wrapping the Player message from common.proto with a message defined inside game.proto. See game-workaround.proto below.


package common;
message Player {
  uint64 id = 1;
  string username = 2;
  string auth_key = 3;


package game;
import "common.proto";

service TestTurbo {
  rpc TestTurboFunc(common.Player) returns (common.Player);


package game;
import "common.proto";
message TestTurboFuncMessage {
    common.Player player = 1;
service TestTurbo {
  rpc TestTurboFunc(TestTurboFuncMessage) returns (TestTurboFuncMessage);

Thank you for all your time and focus on turbolink. 👍

WilSimpson commented 2 months ago

This isn't an issue with this repo, it's an issue with the protogen. You can check out the PR #11 for this fix.