thejoelpatrol / fusehfs

Update of FuseHFS for macFUSE on macOS 12 Monterey
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Add MFS support #1

Open adespoton opened 7 years ago

adespoton commented 7 years ago

Hey Joel, Can you add Jesus' libmfs from as well? Either as part of fusehfs, or as a spinoff fusemfs? That would be really useful for mounting old Mac 128k MFS images.

Added bonus request: being able to mount DART image format :)

thejoelpatrol commented 7 years ago

This is a good idea, but I doubt I'll be able to do this one immediately. I'm a student and the school year just started. I will see what I can do.

thejoelpatrol commented 2 years ago

I think this should probably be a separate .fs bundle under the same project, so they can be installed at the same time. I'll see (again) if I can get to this, but finishing off #2 takes priority.

d235j commented 1 year ago

While I haven’t touched it in a while, Jesús did create FuseMFS years ago and I had it working back then. It likely just needs cleanups and packaging similar to that in #2.

It was only hosted on his old self-hosting server which I don’t think is active anymore, but I uploaded it to GitHub here:

thejoelpatrol commented 1 year ago

Oh, that’s cool, that probably helps. I was going to set up a new .fs bundle based on the HFS one and write the libmfs wrapper stuff myself, but that will probably make it easier. Thanks @d235j, I will check that out.