thejoelpatrol / fusehfs

Update of FuseHFS for macFUSE on macOS 12 Monterey
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Install script does not work on 10.6.8 #3

Open RebeccaRGB opened 5 years ago

RebeccaRGB commented 5 years ago

I have FUSE for macOS 3.7.1 with the MacFUSE compatibility layer installed on 10.6.8. Trying to open the FuseHFS-0.1.4b package gives me this error:

There was an error reading the package. An error occurred while evaluating JavaScript for the package.

The installer immediately closes after dismissing the error message.

ronangaillard commented 5 years ago

Same here

thejoelpatrol commented 2 years ago

This version is updated for 10.9. The original FuseHFS was meant for 10.6. I see that the original page by zydeco is no longer online, so here is the Wayback Machine version:

Probably what I should do is run a build of the original version myself and distribute that. Sorry for not seeing this issue until now.