thejoshwolfe / yauzl

yet another unzip library for node
MIT License
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Invalid signature causes process to close unexpectedly #136

Closed Portur closed 4 months ago

Portur commented 3 years ago


When unzipping a file (~40kb) I get a signature error (Uncaught Error: invalid central directory file header signature: 0xbfef2b1c) and the process immediately stops and ends nodejs.

I noticed the error emitted in emitErrorAndAutoClose

Below is how I use it. You'll notice the try/catch is ignored (?)

        let yauzl = require("yauzl");
        try {

  , {lazyEntries: true}, function (err, zipfile) {
                if (err)
                    reject('Could not unzip > ' + err);
                else {
                    zipfile.on("entry", function (entry) {
                        if (entry.fileName === 'doc.kml') {
                            // stuff
                        else {
        catch (e) {

Here is the stack image

Not sure f it makes a difference but this specific file has made it rounds through various email clients. Also this is a kmz, which is a zipped kml which is sugar for zipped xml.

Here it is

Portur commented 3 years ago

More digging, it seems the file is actually opened and is uncaught.

The problem is there are no events created for error

                    zipfile.on("close", function() {
                        console.log("closed yauzl read");
                    zipfile.on("error", function(e) {
                        console.log("error yauzl read");

With those created I catch the error successfully. Could I recommend that in a case where the user forgets to add those listeners, could you perhaps throw rather than shutdown

thejoshwolfe commented 4 months ago

there is a section of the docs that explains how to avoid crashing the process.