thejoshwolfe / yauzl

yet another unzip library for node
MIT License
681 stars 77 forks source link

use bigint #139

Closed jimmywarting closed 4 months ago

jimmywarting commented 2 years ago

haven't looked into any issues or the code - just discovered this package

but i read this:

Limitted ZIP64 Support For ZIP64, only zip files smaller than 8PiB are supported, not the full 16EiB range that a 64-bit integer should be able to index. This is due to the JavaScript Number type being an IEEE 754 double precision float.

The Node.js fs module probably has this same limitation.

you should be using BigInts to handle large numbers (and plz no bn.js or other polyfill - just use native bigints instead)

thejoshwolfe commented 4 months ago
