thekingofkings / chicago-crime

Crime correlation anaysis
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The correct social flow normalization by source #8

Closed thekingofkings closed 8 years ago

thekingofkings commented 8 years ago

What is normalization by source?

We use out-flow to calculate the social lag of node i.

The intuition is that the source (home) node_i have outgoing flow to several nearby destinations (work place). These work flow will definitely go back to the node_i. This represents the influence from work place on home location.

Therefore the key is to use out flow to construct the social flow.

Previous wrong method

Previously, I always use in flow j -> i to propagate crime into node i. When normalize by source, the j -> i flow is normalized by the total out-going flow of j.

We should notice that j ->i does not equal to i -> j.

In a social science setting, the i -> j flow is more intriguing.

thekingofkings commented 8 years ago

To fix the normalization by source, two changes are needed to made:

thekingofkings commented 8 years ago

Also refer to Issue #2 to make sure the transpose is applied at the right place.

thekingofkings commented 8 years ago
