thekingofkings / dissertation

My PhD dissertation on spatial-temporal data mining.
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Interaction models in social network analysis literature #8

Closed thekingofkings closed 8 years ago

thekingofkings commented 8 years ago

What kinds of models are there?

Drawbacks of those models in my problem?

How are they different from mine?

thekingofkings commented 8 years ago

Three problems in online social networks analysis (related)


The link-prediction problem for social netowrks

Identify influential node

Measure of influence is not important, but the ranking is. E.g. Pagerank.

Community detection

thekingofkings commented 8 years ago

Infer node property

You are who you know: inferring user profiles in online social networks Use community detection technique, profile categorical attributes.

We know where you live: privacy characterization of foursquare behavior Use visited venue to predict home city. Majority vote.

Towards social user profiling: unified and discriminative influence model for inferring home locations Use both network and user-centric data (tweets) to predict home location. Influence model.

Estimating age privacy leakage in online social networks Estimate age in Facebook, iterative process.

thekingofkings commented 8 years ago

Multiple types of link in OSN literature

Infer Node Property

Composite Social Network for Predicting Mobile Apps Installation

Predict apps installation with multiple networks. Subnetworks are treated uniformly.

ComSoc: Adaptive Transfer of User Behaviors over Composite Social Network

Combine multiple large network to predict user behavior (user - item interactions). Method: transfer learning + hierarchical bayesian network. Different users will be influenced by their neighbors in each subnetwork with personalized weights.

Erheng Zhong composite social network

Pervasive Sensing to Model Political Opinions in Face-to-Face Networks

Use multiple network connections (with observations: count) to predict political opinion. multiple flow, weighted graph

Link Strength Modeling

Modeling relationship strength in online social networks

Relationship strength measure (link-prediction) with similarity of nodal features, plus different interaction strength observations.

thekingofkings commented 8 years ago

How are the literature Different

I model the interaction as a latent variable. The observed flows on the link is always biased sample.

Explain why with the PGT paper.