Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago
You could do a callback to a webservice for finding out if for instance a
is moveable/resizeable. And same goes for adding/editing appointments. I think
is not something the frontend of a system should do. But thats my opinion.
Maybe somebody else has some other ideas.
Original comment by Pimmetje
on 10 Jun 2009 at 3:51
I gave the problem some more thought. And i think (did not test it) it's best
way to
add a extra element to the json file. Like dragable and resizeable. And than
use the
dragable and resizeable methods to get the value and return the value true/false
(maybe do some calculation on time or whatever).
(This way the backend can handle it, and i think thats the bast).
Original comment by Pimmetje
on 11 Jun 2009 at 11:46
I think this should be handled in both the front and back end. Initially you
restrict the access using the front end by passing back properties with the json
events based on the current user. This can then be used to determine behaviour
calendar event calbacks (resize, drag etc). This of course is only a first
layer to
control the behaviour of the front end. You'd need to also cover off the back
end to
prevent malicious use.
I'm going to create a separate feature request to address the business hours
For now, one way that I described to Ted by email is that you could generate
calEvents to indicate busy time that are outside of business hours. These could
properties to define the way they are rendered and prevent their modification
by users.
Original comment by
on 15 Jun 2009 at 1:30
Original issue reported on by
on 10 Jun 2009 at 11:30