thekvs / radiotray-lite

Online radio streaming player with minimum interface that runs on a Linux system tray
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Problem playing ogg-streams in Zesty #11

Closed PorkPieHat closed 7 years ago

PorkPieHat commented 7 years ago

Radio Tray has had a problem playing ogg streams in Ubuntu since 16.04. After a couple of minutes Radio Tray would kill the stream, the icon in the sys-tray would "gray-out". The ap would then refuse to re-start the stream on the first attempt. See here:, post #27

Installed Radio Tray Lite in 64-bit Ubuntu 17.04

sudo dpkg -i radiotray-lite_0.2.17-1-webupd8-zesty0_amd64.deb

Fixed lack of libgstreamermm-1.0-1 with:

sudo apt-get -f install

I then copied $HOME/.local/share/radiotray/bookmarks.xml to $HOME/.config/radiotray-lite to access my Radio Tray bookmarks.

Ogg streams now play play continuously - a great improvement! But things are still not quite right. After a couple of minutes, the sys-tray icon grays-out and the playing-status text in the ap's menu switches to "Turn Radio XYZ on" [my italics]. The stream keeps playing, though. This has the odd consequence that you have to to turn a playing-stream on before you can turn it off.

A small flaw, but an irritating one. Thanks for your fine work on this ap.

thekvs commented 7 years ago

Can you provide stream's url? Because none of ogg streams from my bookmarks behaves in such a way.

PorkPieHat commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the interest. Try this: