thelastoutpostworkshop / FastDisplayPrototyping

Fast Display Prototyping using the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor for Adafruit GFX and TFT_eSPI
MIT License
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Handy Conversion Tool #1

Open DansDesigns opened 7 months ago

DansDesigns commented 7 months ago

Hey, Just seen your video on GUI programming with the Serial Monitor.. Brilliant Work!!

I had a look over your GitHub and I'm impressed, I thought I would share a little code that I have found useful for converting the annoying hex colour definitions into the easier to understand RGB values:

` // Colour Conversion from RGB to HEX: #define RGB(r, g, b) (((r&0xF8)<<8)|((g&0xFC)<<3)|(b>>3)) // Colour definitions:

define BLACK RGB (0, 0, 0)

define WHITE RGB(255,255,255)

define GREY RGB(127, 127, 127)

define DARKGREY RGB(64, 64, 64)

define TURQUOISE RGB(0, 128, 128)

define PINK RGB(255, 128, 192)

define PINKRED RGB(235, 158, 220)

define OLIVE RGB(128, 128, 0)

define PURPLE RGB(128, 0, 128)

define AZURE RGB(0, 128, 255)

define ORANGE RGB(255,136,0)

define YELLOW RGB(255,255,0)

define GREEN RGB(51,255,51)

define SKYBLUE RGB(135,206,235)

define BLUE RGB(0,0,255)

define BLUEVIOLET RGB(138,43,226)

define AQUAMARINE RGB(127,255,212)

define RED RGB(255,53,0)

define HONEY RGB(255,204,153)

define BUTTER RGB(255,238,204)

define OCTSUNSET RGB(255,68,0)

define WARNING RGB(255,88,20)


*I added some Colours based on the Star Trek LCARS Colour Scheme

thelastoutpostworkshop commented 7 months ago

thanks, I will add it to the code