thelastpickle / cassandra-reaper

Automated Repair Awesomeness for Apache Cassandra
Apache License 2.0
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Show the total of data to be repaired per table / keyspaces #534

Open carlo4002 opened 5 years ago

carlo4002 commented 5 years ago

Project board link

One information that can be interesting to show in the UI is the total size of data to be repaired.

For example in the historics of repairs done, we can show the total of bytes repaired and then we can be able to have an idea of the relation among "time to repair" / "size of data" / "tuning cassandra-reaper" .

Do you think it's a nice feature to have ?

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task by Unito ┆Issue Number: K8SSAND-367

adejanovski commented 5 years ago

It would, but it would require Reaper to connect to the repaired cluster through CQL in order to access the size_estimates table. Otherwise we have no clue how much data is stored in each token range. I'm not sure we're there yet, and it may be something we'll achieve with the upcoming sidecar mode.