thelfer / MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport

This project aims at providing support for MFront generic behaviours. This project can be embedded in open-source and propriary sofware
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Implementing Finite Viscoelastic Behaviors #94

Closed bhaveshshrimali closed 2 years ago

bhaveshshrimali commented 2 years ago

Hi @thelfer @bleyerj

Many thanks for working on this. I am interested in exploring Mfront to implement finite-viscoelastic behaviors. The idea is to implement the model in this paper specifically equations (37) and (41) for the internal variable using Mfront/mgis. I implemented the explicit integration in dolfinx, however the resulting code is humongous and the performance is highly variable.

What would you recommend as a good starting point to start implementing the model above? I am looking at the isotropic linear harderning plasticity mfront code, namely

@DSL DefaultDSL;
@Behaviour IsotropicLinearHardeningPlasticity;
@Author Thomas Helfer;
@Date   14/10/2016;

  An implicit implementation of a simple
  isotropic plasticity behaviour with
  isotropic linear hardening.

  The yield surface is defined by:
  "  f(\sigmaeq,p) = \sigmaeq-s_{0}-H\,p"

@MaterialProperty stress young;
@MaterialProperty real nu;
@MaterialProperty stress H;
@MaterialProperty stress s0;

@StateVariable StrainStensor eel;
@StateVariable strain p;

 * computation of the prediction operator: we only provide the elastic
 * operator.
 * We could also provide a tangent operator, but this would mean
 * saving an auxiliary state variable stating if a plastic loading
 * occured at the previous time step.
  // silent "unused parameter" warning
  const auto lambda = computeLambda(young,nu);
  const auto mu     = computeMu(young,nu);
  Dt = lambda*Stensor4::IxI()+2*mu*Stensor4::Id();

 * behaviour integration using a fully implicit Euler-backwark scheme.
  const auto lambda = computeLambda(young,nu);
  const auto mu     = computeMu(young,nu);
  eel += deto;
  const auto se     = 2*mu*deviator(eel);
  const auto seq_e  = sigmaeq(se);
  const auto b      = seq_e-s0-H*p>stress{0};
    const auto iseq_e = 1/seq_e;
    const auto n      = eval(3*se/(2*seq_e));
    const auto cste   = 1/(H+3*mu);
    dp   = (seq_e-s0-H*p)*cste;
    eel -= dp*n;
    Dt = (lambda*Stensor4::IxI()+2*mu*Stensor4::Id()
      } else {
    Dt = lambda*Stensor4::IxI()+2*mu*Stensor4::Id();
  } else {
      Dt = lambda*Stensor4::IxI()+2*mu*Stensor4::Id();
  sig = lambda*trace(eel)*Stensor::Id()+2*mu*eel;

and the tests


thelfer commented 2 years ago

@bhaveshshrimali I am currently working on documenting how to implement a FeFp decomposition with MFront. It is mostly a question about MFront, not MGIS, so it may be better to discussion this here: