thelinkan / BandyManagerChatGPT

Trying to create a Bandy manager game in Pygame Usin gChatGPT
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Add the following events to matches #6

Open thelinkan opened 1 month ago

thelinkan commented 1 month ago

Free strokes: takes 2-10 seconds, unless close to opponents goal, then 5-15 seconds. If close to opponents goal, there is a chance to get a goal on the free stroke. Penalty stroke: A significant chance to get a goal on the penalty stroke. Penalty: 10 min penalty for a player on penalty stroke, and sometimes on free strokes. Affects the skills of the team and the probability of scoring goals. On a goal, the penalized player with the least amount of time left is put back into the game. Corner: takes 5-15 seconds. There is a chance to get a goal on the corner. Saved shot: Change code for goal, to make it shot on goal, and then it can either be a goal or a save. The shooters skill in shooting compares with the goalkeepers skill for saving and placement, together with some randomness.

thelinkan commented 3 weeks ago

Work started on adding tactics (who shoots penalties, corners, if the play is offensive or defensive etc)

thelinkan commented 3 weeks ago

answer from ChatGPT about tactics

When setting up tactics for a bandy game, there are several additional factors beyond long passings, short passings, dribbling, and who will take corners and free strokes that are important to consider. Here are some key aspects to think about:

  1. Team Formation and Player Roles Defensive Setup: Decide on the number of defenders and their specific roles (e.g., sweeper, marking defenders). Midfield Structure: Determine how the midfield will be arranged (e.g., a holding midfielder to support the defense, creative playmakers, wide midfielders for width). Attacking Formation: Plan the positioning of forwards (e.g., central striker, wingers) and how they will support the attack. Wing Play vs. Central Play: Decide whether to focus on attacks down the wings or through the center of the field.
  2. Pressing and Defensive Strategy Pressing: Decide on how aggressively and where on the field your team will press the opponent (e.g., high press, mid-block, low block). Marking: Choose between man-marking or zonal marking, especially during set pieces. Defensive Line: Determine how high or deep the defensive line should be, depending on the opponent's speed and tactics.
  3. Counter-Attacking Strategy Transition Play: Plan how the team will transition from defense to attack, especially after winning the ball. Speed of Play: Decide on the speed of play during counter-attacks—whether to move the ball quickly upfield or to build up play more patiently.
  4. Set Piece Organization Offensive Set Pieces: Besides who takes the set pieces, plan the positioning and movements of players during corners, free kicks, and penalty strokes. Defensive Set Pieces: Organize the defensive strategy during the opponent's set pieces, including wall setup and marking responsibilities.
  5. Goalkeeper Involvement Sweeper Keeper: Decide how far out the goalkeeper will play and how involved they will be in building play from the back. Distribution: Plan the goalkeeper’s role in distributing the ball—whether they should primarily use short throws, kicks, or long passes.
  6. Tempo and Game Management Control of Pace: Decide whether the team should focus on maintaining possession and controlling the tempo or playing a faster-paced, direct game. Time Management: Develop a strategy for managing the game clock, especially when leading or trailing late in the game.
  7. Player Rotation and Substitutions Fitness and Stamina: Plan player rotations to maintain high energy levels, especially in a physically demanding game like bandy. Impact Substitutions: Identify which players can come off the bench to make a significant impact, whether to defend a lead or push for a goal.
  8. Adapting to Opponents Opponent Analysis: Prepare for specific threats posed by the opponent, such as key players, tactical tendencies, and set-piece routines. In-Game Adjustments: Plan for potential in-game tactical changes based on how the match progresses (e.g., switching formations, adjusting pressing intensity).
  9. Psychological Preparation Mental Toughness: Prepare players mentally for different game scenarios, such as holding onto a lead or responding to conceding a goal. Communication: Ensure clear communication strategies on the field, especially for organizing the defense and coordinating attacks.
  10. Weather and Ice Conditions Adaptation to Conditions: Adjust tactics based on weather conditions (e.g., wind, snow) and ice quality (e.g., hard, soft, wet). Footwear and Equipment: Ensure players are equipped with the right footwear and gear for the specific conditions. By considering these additional factors, you can create a comprehensive tactical plan that covers all aspects of the game, improving your team's chances of success on the ice.
thelinkan commented 2 weeks ago

movement of players

Factors to Consider Player Attributes:

Skill Ratings: Player's attributes like Passing, Shooting, Skating, Intercepting, and Reflexes should influence decision-making. Condition: A tired player might be less inclined to skate with the ball or take risky actions. Aggression: More aggressive players might be more likely to attempt to win the ball back or take a shot. Tactical Instructions:

Team Tactics: Players should act in accordance with overall team tactics, such as a defensive or offensive style. E.g., defenders might push forward or stay back based on the tactical setup. Player Roles: Individual instructions for roles (e.g., a "playmaker" might prioritize passing over shooting). Opponent Behavior:

Opponent Proximity: The closer an opponent is, the more likely a player might choose to pass rather than hold onto the ball. Opponent Formation: Consider how the opponent's formation might impact decisions, such as when to press or when to back off. Game Context:

Game State: If the team is losing, players might take more risks (like shooting from distance) than if they were winning. Time Remaining: The decisions might vary significantly depending on whether it's early in the game or in the final minutes. Scoreline: Players might act differently if the team is ahead or behind. Field Conditions:

Ball Position Relative to Goal: The closer to the opponent's goal, the more likely a player is to consider shooting. Field Zones: Different zones of the field might dictate different behavior. For example, a player in the defensive third might be more cautious. Weather Conditions: In certain scenarios, weather might affect passing or skating decisions. Decision-Making Scenarios When the Player Has the Ball: Pass Short:

More likely if teammates are nearby and open, or if the player is under pressure. Consider the passing attribute and the positioning of teammates and opponents. Pass Long (and High):

Used for switching play or making a through pass to an attacker. Also consider if the player has the vision attribute and the accuracy of long passes. Skate with Ball:

Chosen when there's space to move into, or if teammates are marked. Consider the skating and dribbling attributes. Shoot:

Typically chosen when the player is near or within shooting range and has a clear sight of the goal. Consider the shooting and positioning attributes, as well as the angle to the goal. When the Player Does Not Have the Ball (and the Team Has Possession): Defenders:

Position themselves to be ready for counterattacks. Consider if they should push forward to support or stay back for safety. Midfielders and Attackers:

Move into positions that could create space or become available for a pass. Consider their off-the-ball movement attributes and positioning. When No One Has the Ball: Defenders:

Rush to the ball if it's heading towards the defensive third, or position themselves to intercept passes. Midfielders and Attackers:

Attempt to recover the ball or move to where they expect the ball to land. Consider anticipation and reaction times. When the Opponent Has the Ball: Defenders:

Focus on positioning to block passes, intercept, or tackle. Consider aggressiveness and defensive positioning. Midfielders and Attackers:

Either press to win the ball back or fall back to cover space. Consider team tactics, such as whether to apply high pressure or to play conservatively. Additional Considerations Anticipation: Players should have some anticipation of where the ball will go next, which affects how they position themselves. Communication: Simulate some level of team coordination where nearby players' decisions are interdependent, especially in defense. Adaptability: Players might need to adapt their behavior based on how the match evolves (e.g., if the opponent is playing more aggressively). Conclusion With these considerations, your player's decision-making should cover most of the important situations that occur in a bandy match. Fine-tuning the AI to reflect realistic behavior will involve balancing these factors and considering how different players might prioritize their options based on their attributes, the match context, and team instructions.

thelinkan commented 2 weeks ago

Offensive Actions Shoot: Attempt to score by shooting at the goal. Dribble Towards Goal: Move with the ball towards the opponent's goal. Dribble Towards Own Goal: Move with the ball towards the player's own goal to create space or reset the play. Short Pass Forward: Pass the ball forward to a nearby teammate. Short Pass Sideways: Pass the ball laterally to a teammate. Short Pass Back: Pass the ball backward to a teammate. Long Pass: Send a longer, often aerial pass to a teammate further away. Cross: Send the ball into the opponent's goal area from a wide position, aiming for teammates in the box. Through Ball: Attempt a precise pass that splits the opponent's defense, usually on the ground, aiming to reach a teammate making a run towards goal. Defensive Actions (when your team has the ball) Hold/Shield the Ball: Protect the ball from opponents by keeping possession, often while waiting for support or looking for passing options. Clearance: Kick the ball away from the defensive area, often with power, to relieve pressure. This is more relevant if the player is under heavy pressure near their own goal. Play the Ball Back to Goalkeeper: Pass the ball back to the goalkeeper to reset play or relieve pressure. Wait/Slow Down the Play: Temporarily hold up play to allow teammates to move into better positions. Off-the-Ball Actions (when not in possession) Positioning: Move into a strategic position to receive a pass, make a run, or provide defensive coverage. Make a Run: Sprint into space or towards the opponent's goal to receive a pass or create an attacking option. Mark Opponent: Stick close to an opposing player to limit their options, usually in a defensive context. Support Play: Move closer to the ball carrier to provide an easy passing option. Cover Space: Occupy a zone or space on the field to prevent opponents from advancing or to prepare for a counter-attack. Contextual Actions Counter-Attack: Quickly transition from defense to offense by moving the ball forward rapidly, often with fewer passes. Switch Play: Change the direction of the attack by passing the ball from one side of the field to the other. Summary Offensive Actions: Includes shooting, dribbling, passing, and other ways to advance the ball. Defensive Actions: Defensive maneuvers while in possession, like shielding the ball or passing back. Off-the-Ball Actions: Strategic movements without the ball, such as positioning and marking. Contextual Actions: Reactions to specific game situations, like counter-attacking or switching play.