thelovelab / tximport

Transcript quantification import for modular pipelines
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Enabling reading from cloud storage #20

Closed tomsing1 closed 6 years ago

tomsing1 commented 6 years ago

It is great that the tximport function allows users to supply their own importer function.

I keep most of my files on AWS S3. The aws.s3 package provides great functionality to access S3 objects, e.g. via the s3read_using function.

So I tried to read my Salmon output files directly from AWS, using the following importer:

importer = aws.s3::s3read_using(FUN = readr::read_tsv)

Unfortunately, the tximport functions refuses to run unless the file.exists function returns TRUE for all paths, so S3 paths are not valid.

Perhaps checking whether a file.exists could be made optional?

Thanks a lot for making this great package available! Thomas

mikelove commented 6 years ago

Absolutely. I'll add an existence.optional argument to devel soon. I have a batch of changes to make and was hoping to get to it this week or next.

mikelove commented 6 years ago

Added existenceOptional=FALSE to 1.7.3

tomsing1 commented 6 years ago

Awesome! Thanks a lot for including this option so quickly.

For the record and in case it is useful to others, the following minimal example works. (Now that the existenceOptional option is available, I realized that my original example was incomplete.)

quant.files <- "s3://PATH/TO/quant.sf"

import_function <- function(x) {
  aws.s3::s3read_using(object = x, FUN = readr::read_tsv)

# example without summarization to the gene level
  files = quant.files,
  type = "salmon",
  txIn = TRUE,
  txOut = TRUE,
  importer = import_function,
  existenceOptional = TRUE)