themashcodee / slack-blocks-to-jsx

A library to convert Slack blocks to JSX components to be used with React
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Doc update requests #8

Open StephenTangCook opened 1 week ago

StephenTangCook commented 1 week ago

Listing out the hooks would be helpful for the docs! 🙏

Would be good to break down the support for all of the rich text elements. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you support date yet?

themashcodee commented 1 week ago

@StephenTangCook Thanks again.

  1. I will add the hooks to the docs with detailed explaination.
  2. I will also break down the Rich Text Block.
  3. I don't really support it yet because I could not understand how we can actually send a date through slack (we can use mentions, broadcast etc directly from slack without any api). I would very grateful if you could help me understand or give me an example of date (rich text sextion element).