themehybrid / hybrid-view

Hybrid View is an add-on for Hybrid Core framework. It's used for setting up and rendering theme template files. Views are a bit like a suped-up version of the core WordPress get_template_part() function.
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Uncaught Member function view() #4

Open BrookeDot opened 1 year ago

BrookeDot commented 1 year ago

I am attempting to upgrade from Hybird Core 5.x to 6.0 and getting the following error with views:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function view() on bool
in /Users/brooke/Local Sites/local/app/public/wp-content/themes/mythic/vendor/themehybrid/hybrid-view/src/functions-helpers.php on line 32

PHP 8.1 WordPress 6.1

I'm assuming the way a view is called is different for 6.0?

ghost commented 1 year ago

hybrid-core version 6 is/has been broken down into separate components rather than a whole system. Personally 5.x works fine.. I don't think is necessary to move to 6..

BrookeDot commented 1 year ago

hybrid-core version 6 is/has been broken down into separate components rather than a whole system.

Yep, I used Hybrid for a long time, (since 1.5 😬 ) this is my first time trying to use 6.0 here are the packages I have installed:

$ composer show
composer/installers                   v1.12.0 A multi-framework Composer library installer
themehybrid/hybrid-attr               1.0.0   Hybrid Attr provides devs a system for adding filterable attributes. This is sort of like `body_class()`, `post_class()`, and `comment_class()`...
themehybrid/hybrid-contracts          1.0.0   Contracts for the Hybrid Core framework.
themehybrid/hybrid-core               6.0.0   Hybrid Core: A framework for developing modern WordPress plugins and themes.
themehybrid/hybrid-template           1.0.0   Template helper functions.
themehybrid/hybrid-template-hierarchy 1.0.0   Smarter and more flexible template hierarchy for WordPress.
themehybrid/hybrid-template-manager   1.0.0   Custom template registration system for WordPress.
themehybrid/hybrid-theme              1.0.1   A collection of helper functions and filters to aid in theme development.
themehybrid/hybrid-tools              1.0.0   Helper tools and functions.
themehybrid/hybrid-view               1.0.0   System for setting up and rendering theme template files. Views are a bit like a suped-up version of the core WordPress get_template_part() fun...

Personally 5.x works fine.. I don't think is necessary to move to 6..

My main reason to moving is for PHP 8+ compatibility and because the module approach in theory means fewer files since I won't need breadcrumbs or get_the_image for my use case.

ghost commented 1 year ago

so the view should be $engine = \Hybrid\App::resolve( 'view/engine' ); $engine->display( 'header' ); $engine->display( 'footer' );

or you can use helper function below. \Hybrid\View\display();

BrookeDot commented 1 year ago

or you can use helper function below. \Hybrid\View\display();

Yeah the theme is based on Mystic so is using:

// // Load header/* template.
\Hybrid\View\display( 'header', Hybrid\Template\hierarchy() );

// // Load content/* template.
\Hybrid\View\display( 'content', Hybrid\Template\hierarchy() );

// // Load footer/* template.
\Hybrid\View\display( 'footer', Hybrid\Template\hierarchy() );
ghost commented 1 year ago

haha, I was about to mention Mystic just now, but looks like you found what you need!

BrookeDot commented 1 year ago

The problem is when upgrading Mystic from Hybrid 5.x to 6.x there is the fatal error. I'm sure it's either a bug in this component, or I'm doing the upgrade wrong. So trying to figure out which it is.

ghost commented 1 year ago

what does your bootstrap-app.php look like, did you add the view provider! $slug->provider( 'Hybrid\View\Provider::class' );

ghost commented 1 year ago

even if you have those components install through composer, you need to add those specific components as a provider. so soemthing like this below so it becomes available to use!

 * Create a new framework instance
 * This will create an instance of the framework allowing you to initialize the theme.
$initiator =  new \Hybrid\Core\Application();

 * Register default providers.
$initiator->provider( Hybrid\Template\Hierarchy\Provider::class );
$initiator->provider( Hybrid\Teplate\Manager\Provider::class );
$initiator->provider( Hybrid\View\Provider::class );

 * Register custom providers for the theme.
$initiator->provider( Initiator\Menu\Provider::class );
$initiator->provider( Initiator\Sidebar\Provider::class );

 * Create an action hook for child themes.
do_action( 'initiator/child/theme', $initiator );

 * Boot the Framework
ghost commented 1 year ago

the hierarchy provider works best with view together. then by adding a filter

add_filter( 'hybrid/template/path', function() {
  return 'public/views';
} );

without this filter, i think it defaults to resources/view

ghost commented 1 year ago

did you ever get this resolved!

justintadlock commented 1 year ago

You'll get that error when the Engine object is not being resolved. This sounds like a case of the view service provider not having been added as @benlumia007 said here:

saas786 commented 1 year ago


If you could share your code, will be able to help you better.

But here are is the relevant bit of code you need in your theme...


$mythic->register( \Hybrid\Template\Hierarchy\Provider::class );
$mythic->register( \Hybrid\Template\Manager\Provider::class );
$mythic->register( \Hybrid\Theme\Provider::class );
$mythic->register( \Hybrid\View\Provider::class );


use Hybrid\View\Contracts\Engine as EngineContract;
use Hybrid\View\Contracts\View as ViewContract;


    public function register() {

        // Create aliases for the view and engine.
        $this->app->alias( ViewContract::class, 'view' );
        $this->app->alias( EngineContract::class, 'view/engine' );



    "require": {
        "themehybrid/hybrid-theme": "^1.0",
        "themehybrid/hybrid-template-manager": "^1.0",
        "themehybrid/hybrid-template-hierarchy": "^1.0",
        "themehybrid/hybrid-template": "^1.0",
        "themehybrid/hybrid-view": "^1.0",
redactuk commented 10 months ago

Did anyone get this to work?

@saas786 wote: use Hybrid\View\Contracts\Engine as EngineContract; use Hybrid\View\Contracts\View as ViewContract; that does not work for me, tells undefined namespace 'Contracts'


saas786 commented 10 months ago

@redactuk Is your code in a public repository? If so, please share the link so I can review it and provide you with accurate feedback.

redactuk commented 10 months ago

@redactuk Is your code in a public repository? If so, please share the link so I can review it and provide you with accurate feedback.

No it is not. What I have so far is here: based on your answer above, but clearly what you included above was for hybrid-view 1.x not the latest 2.x

saas786 commented 10 months ago

If you want to continue using the legacy view system but with HC v7, refer to the following links:

You don't need the new hybrid-view v2 for that.

Similarly, if you want to use it with HC v6:

I can try to update both Mythic and Exhale to the latest code, but I think the current code should suffice for your needs.

Here is the latest implementation, and you can also see the prefixing logic applied.