themesberg / flowbite-svelte

Official Svelte components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS
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Fix: Using focus trap in web components #1338

Open Palkess opened 1 month ago

Palkess commented 1 month ago

Closes #

πŸ“‘ Description

When using Svelte-components as custom elements/web components, they're encapsulated with a shadow-root. When using a focus trapped component, like a Modal, document.activeElement incorrectly returns the custom element as the active element instead of the actual element inside the component. This causes the focus trap to never change focus whilst tabbing.

The solution I'm suggesting checks if document.activeElement has a shadow root and uses the correct document.activeElement.shadowRoot.activeElement to get the actual active element inside the component.


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Summary by CodeRabbit

vercel[bot] commented 1 month ago

@Palkess is attempting to deploy a commit to the Themesberg Team on Vercel.

A member of the Team first needs to authorize it.

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago


The update enhances the focusTrap function to support components within shadow roots by improving how the active element is determined. This change ensures better compatibility and functionality in complex DOM structures.


File Path Change Summary
src/lib/utils/focusTrap.js Updated logic to handle shadow roots in active element check

Possibly related issues

Oh hooray for the code that now sees,
Through the shadows of DOM trees!
With a hop and a skip in its stride,
Now our elements no longer hide.
Cheers to roots, both deep and wide!

Recent Review Details **Configuration used: CodeRabbit UI** **Review profile: CHILL**
Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between 0727a2c576fe90432ebb81859fc7805af310ca4a and 98d11971540b9913db70416b0c6eb9ef9a691bec.
Files selected for processing (1) * src/lib/utils/focusTrap.js (1 hunks)
Files skipped from review due to trivial changes (1) * src/lib/utils/focusTrap.js
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vercel[bot] commented 1 month ago

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Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
flowbite-svelte βœ… Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview πŸ’¬ Add feedback May 2, 2024 9:08am
Palkess commented 3 weeks ago

Any ETA on when someone can check this PR out? Would be swell to have a solution for our web components without having to do some weird workaround :D