themesberg / flowbite-vue

Official Vue 3 components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS
MIT License
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Fwb rename - few fixes after component review #237

Closed Sqrcz closed 10 months ago

Sqrcz commented 10 months ago

Hey... I've fixed few issues... and added few to the list here (41-45):

41. alert#additional-content could use `fwb-button` instead of HTML one
42. "Carousel with slide animation" slide animation doesn't work
43. we should unify sizes... sometime we have prop `size`with different option.. and sometimes we have dedicated prop like `large` (pagination)
44. `Failed to resolve component: router-link` in Sidebar component (we need to add vue router dependency for that to work)
45. `file upload` component button is too dark in light theme

I'm getting an error on Toast provider page (which result in toasts not disappearing): http://localhost:5173/components/toastProvider/toastProvider (screen below) but I'm unable to focus now to fix it... (sorry I'm on holidays with my family now ;) ) image