themesberg / flowbite

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document is not defined #879

Closed cadentic closed 5 days ago

cadentic commented 1 month ago

i was trying to use one of your megamenue component in angular 17 project I added import { initFlowbite } from 'flowbite'; with ngOnInit() { initFlowbite(); }

as suggested but still things show some errors in the command prompt

ERROR ReferenceError: document is not defined
    at initAccordions (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\flowbite\lib\esm\components\accordion\index.js:151:5)
    at initFlowbite (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\flowbite\lib\esm\components\index.js:15:5)
    at _CadenticNavbarComponentsComponent.ngOnInit (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\src\app\cadentic-navbar-components\cadentic-navbar-components.component.ts:34:5)
    at callHookInternal (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5136:14)
    at callHook (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5163:13)
    at callHooks (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5118:17)
    at executeInitAndCheckHooks (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5068:9)
    at refreshView (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:12806:21)
    at detectChangesInView$1 (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:13015:9)
    at detectChangesInViewIfAttached (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:12978:5)
ERROR ReferenceError: document is not defined
    at initAccordions (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\flowbite\lib\esm\components\accordion\index.js:151:5)
    at initFlowbite (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\flowbite\lib\esm\components\index.js:15:5)
    at _CadenticNavbarComponentsComponent.ngOnInit (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\src\app\cadentic-navbar-components\cadentic-navbar-components.component.ts:34:5)
    at callHookInternal (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5136:14)
    at callHook (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5163:13)
    at callHooks (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5118:17)
    at executeInitAndCheckHooks (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5068:9)
    at refreshView (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:12806:21)
    at detectChangesInView$1 (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:13015:9)
    at detectChangesInViewIfAttached (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:12978:5)
1:47:58 am [vite] ✨ new dependencies optimized: flowbite
1:47:58 am [vite] ✨ optimized dependencies changed. reloading
ERROR ReferenceError: document is not defined
    at initAccordions (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\flowbite\lib\esm\components\accordion\index.js:151:5)
    at initFlowbite (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\flowbite\lib\esm\components\index.js:15:5)
    at _CadenticNavbarComponentsComponent.ngOnInit (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\src\app\cadentic-navbar-components\cadentic-navbar-components.component.ts:34:5)
    at callHookInternal (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5136:14)
    at callHook (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5163:13)
    at callHooks (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5118:17)
    at executeInitAndCheckHooks (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:5068:9)
    at refreshView (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:12806:21)
    at detectChangesInView$1 (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:13015:9)
    at detectChangesInViewIfAttached (C:\Users\User\Desktop\cadentic_dot_net_in-main\cadentic_dot_net_in\cadentic_dot_net_in\node_modules\@angular\core\fesm2022\core.mjs:12978:5)

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do I need to add any more component to run one of your megamenue example ?

zoltanszogyenyi commented 5 days ago

Hey @cadentic,

After v2.4.1 I created an Angular starter repo:

Please check the codebase here since Flowbite works with initFlowbite().

Otherwise, make sure you're running it inside the client environment (ie. DOM should be available).

Cheers, Zoltan