themeskult / wp-svbtle

Wordpress Admin & Theme inspired by Svbtle
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Inconsistent displaying of posts #172

Open Jakobovski opened 10 years ago

Jakobovski commented 10 years ago

A post of mine is being displayed differently in the category view from the individual post view.

More specifically new line tags, <br> are correctly appearing between lines on post pages but are not appearing on category pages.

For example the following post content per the database:

line 1 <br> line 2 <br>

will appear as two lines on the post page but as one line on the category page

The issue originates from loop.php line 13 get_excerpt(). I know using get_excerpt() is a standard WP function but I think it would be better to use get_content() for this theme.

Let me know what you think.
