themix-project / oomoxify

Tool and plugin for applying Themix/Oomox color palette to Spotify
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Silent Exit Code 1 #7

Open JavaScythe opened 6 months ago

JavaScythe commented 6 months ago (/opt/oomox/plugins/oomoxify/oomoxify) returns exit code 1. the GUI version in themix also fails ("Something went wrong :(", with no error above it in the box)

The --debug flag produces an error: "./ line 72: 2: unbound variable"

Here is the command I am running ./ -s /home/bingle/.local/share/spotify-launcher/install/usr/share/spotify/Apps /home/bingle/.config/oomox/colors/btheme

Spotify is installed at .local/spotify-launcher/install/usr/share/spotify (via arch package "spotify-launcher") Spicetify has never been applied I checked the logs from oomoxify in /tmp but it seems to just list style properties

Please let me know if you need additional information

actionless commented 6 months ago

i can't just guess it without the logs