themoeway / yomitan

Japanese pop-up dictionary browser extension. Successor to Yomichan.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Furigana on some dictionary entries is too verbose when yomitan doesn't know how to parse it #505

Open Morgawr opened 6 months ago

Morgawr commented 6 months ago

There's a more thorough explanation in this jitendex bug report.

How to replicate the problem:

If you notice, yomitan applies full furigana over the whole expression because it doesn't know how to split the kana distribution between the repeated entries (double い in おねがいいたします and double き in すききらい).

stephenmk commented 4 months ago

Hmm ochimizu

The best solution might be to allow dictionaries to specify the correct furigana distribution. I think that's probably the only way we'll be able to ensure the info is reliable. There's no way of figuring out the correct distribution for a word like 好き嫌い unless you know that きら.い is a standard reading of 嫌. Unless we want to load tens of thousands of kanji readings into Yomitan and make it attempt to solve these distributions every time.