themrdemonized / STALKER-Anomaly-modded-exes

STALKER Anomaly exe edits with patches by community
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Problem with Quick Melee add-on #38

Closed billlcarr closed 1 year ago

billlcarr commented 1 year ago

After updating to the latest binaries, quick melee no longer breaks boxes. The animation works normally, and it does damage to NPCs, but it does nothing to the breakable wooden crates. Quick melee starts working normally again if I switch to the binaries that were included in SSS 16.

themrdemonized commented 1 year ago

what quick melee mod you use

billlcarr commented 1 year ago

Quick Melee Reworked. The one by Feelfried.

themrdemonized commented 1 year ago

works for me, no issues

billlcarr commented 1 year ago

That's strange. I've been using Quick Melee for a long time with no problems, and it currently works fine with the SSS 16 binaries, but switching to either the recent binaries here, or the ones included with SSS 17, and quick melee stops breaking wooden crates.

billlcarr commented 1 year ago

When you say it works with no issues, did you try to break a wooden crate? Because the animation does work like normal, it just doesn't break wooden crates like it should.

themrdemonized commented 1 year ago

yes i tested all crates, wooden, metal, enemies, walls

billlcarr commented 1 year ago

Really strange. I'm not the only one experiencing it. There's at least 2 other users who mentioned it in the SSS comments. No idea what it could possibly be other than the exe when it works with one, but not the other. If it was a mod conflict the exe would be irrelevant, and if it wasn't installed properly it wouldn't work with either. I'm at a loss.

viking896 commented 1 year ago

please fix your exe since the last updates some things don't work properly like quick meele i'm not the only one who noticed the error ;)

nekomaster commented 1 year ago

I too have noticed this issue and have resorted to using the Modified EXE's from my old modpack backup.

Quick melee rework just doesnt work properly with recent Modified EXE versions as mentioned previously, where I cannot smash/break destructable objects like crates and cardboard boxes.

This happens even if all I have loaded is just MCM and Quick Melee Reworked

viking896 commented 1 year ago

f++k i just deleted all old versions, could not know the next update kills this mod :( I guess I have to go on without going on for a while now only bullshit comes out about addons nothing I can use and gamma is just not a stalker anymore

themrdemonized commented 1 year ago

i found the problem, will be fixed in the next update

nekomaster commented 1 year ago

i found the problem, will be fixed in the next update

OH THANK GOD, It really sucked not being able to just smash stuff open with a bare fist or a rifle to save on ammo (and maybe a little less noisy than say, shooting a crate open)

billlcarr commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Thanks so much!

themrdemonized commented 1 year ago

try the latest version

billlcarr commented 1 year ago

You rock, dude! It works. Thanks!