thencc / algonautjs

A front end friendly Algorand utility
MIT License
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the big clean up refactor! #47

Open spencercap opened 1 year ago

spencercap commented 1 year ago


Delwin's additions: These issues should be closed with this refactor, as they significantly impact the structure or default behavior of Algonaut:

And lastly:

enceladus commented 1 year ago

On the last point — I think we definitely need to figure out how to handle different signing methods better, but the class-per-provider method seems a little verbose to me. To recap (from the notes linked above):

import { WalletConnectProvider, Algonaut } from '@thencc/algonautjs'
const walletConnectProvider = new WalletConnectProvider({...});
const algonaut = new Algonaut();

We could have the providers encapsulate Algonaut themselves:

// if doing things with local accounts
import { Algonaut } from '@thencc/algonautjs'
const algonaut = new Algonaut()
const account = algonaut.recoverAccount(mnemonic)

// if using Inkey only
import { Inkey } from '@thencc/algonautjs'
const inkey = new Inkey() // this just returns an Algonaut instance configured with Inkey
inkey.sendAlgo(...) // = algonaut.sendAlgo

That would be nice if you're trying to use multiple signing methods at once, but it also might confuse people?

I also like having each provider separate, but accessible from the Algonaut class:

import { Algonaut } from '@thencc/algonautjs'
const algonaut = new Algonaut()

Ultimately I guess it doesn't really matter, but the point here is standardization (instead of inconsistently named methods depending on provider) and choosing the best experience for devs. Any opinions @spencercap @youraerials @lanidelrey ?

spencercap commented 1 year ago

yeh, i hear you on the first bit being verbose.

how about taking some inspo from how vue3 works? they are functional vs class based.

import { createApp } from 'vue';
const app = createApp(App);

// router (could be in router.ts)
import { createRouter } from 'vue-router';
const router = createRouter({
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      component: Home

// plugins for vue app
import router from './router';

// some more plugins etc etc...

(from here)

after vue calls app.user(router), then this.$route and this.$router are available in components.

algonaut can do the same, populating algonaut.inkey after a algonaut.use(inkey) something like:

import { createAlgonaut, createInkeyPlugin } from '@thencc/algonautjs';

// algonaut
const algonaut = createAlgonaut({ ... });

// inkey
const inkeyPlugin = createInkeyPlugin({ options: ... });

// in use...
await algonaut.inkey.connect(); 
await algonaut.sendAlgo({...}); // hm... how does algonaut know which signing method to use in the design... 
spencercap commented 1 year ago

(this is more of an inkey idea/rec but relevant here too)

hm... thinking about the future where inkey doesnt just support algorand, but other chains too. it's almost like inkey will need a inkey-client library which handles all post message comms. currently this lives within algonautjs, but one day (soon) we'll want to send inkey some eth txn base64'd to sign which might look like...

import { createInkeyClient } from 'inkey-client'; // think, socketio setup

// mounts inkey iframe in dapp DOM + sets up post message channel
const inkeyClient = await createInkeyClient({ ... }); // can use await in functional creation approach

// ALGO: make a txn in algonautjs or js algosdk
let txn1 = algonaut.atomicSendAlgo({
  to: '123...',
  amount: 3
// then, send it to inkey 
let data = {
    source: 'ncc-inkey-client',
    uuid: new Date(),
    async: true,
    type: 'sign-txns', // same for algorand or eth
    payload: {
        chain: 'algorand',
        // array of base64 encoded unsigned transactions
        txns: [ txn1, txn2, txn3 ] 
let res = await inkeyClient.send(data);

// ETH: then maybe request an eth signing from inkey
let data2 = {
    source: 'ncc-inkey-client',
    uuid: new Date(),
    async: true,
    type: 'sign-msg',
    payload: {
        chain: 'ethereum', // tells ncc-inkey-wallet to grab the user's ethereum wallet!
        msg: 'something to sign'
let res2 = await inkeyClient.send(data2);
spencercap commented 1 year ago

@enceladus would you say we should pluck any of these out into their own new issues? most seem pretty dated to me

spencercap commented 1 year ago

make private + public class methods

^ do we really need this?

optimize for built lib size (treeshake + bundle correctly in esbuild)

i think this is happening already...

dont include all of algosdk as .sdk ? @youraerials thoughts?

lets keep the whole algosdk for the time being. it's useful when pushing the boundaries

modularize functions / lib abilities into individual categorized files / folders

this could be useful still! pluck this for a new issue?

Update & expand ALL documentation accordingly (do we want to use VuePress 2?)

what about this one? @enceladus

enceladus commented 1 year ago

The only one worth keeping for now is redoing the documentation. I'll make a new issue for that.

Refactoring the file into several different files is just busy work for now, imo.

What about: #12 #49 #32 ? @spencercap