thendawg / nvezos

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OC not started before miner #5

Open vstrelk opened 6 years ago

vstrelk commented 6 years ago

When system is rebooted OC is not always started before the mining. This often leads to gpu overheating followed by mining process failure.

Proposal: check OC process start (if OC is configured) before start mining scripts

thendawg commented 6 years ago

This is something I've been testing various methods to improve. At this point, in the next version, which will be released in a few hours, I've simply updated crontab to run the oc apply script every minute now, so it should catch it much quicker. This is only a workaround as Im working on a different method that should ensure the OC is applied before the service starts every time.

If you want, you can simply edit /etc/crontab from

"/3 * root /nvezos/scripts/gpu/"


" * root /nvezos/scripts/gpu/"

This will cause the oc script to run every minute. The new ISO will also be reverting back to 16.04.2, so if you've had any instability issues with the current build, I recommend reinstalling when I make it available in a bit.