thenewboston-blockchain / Contributor-Payments

Timesheets and bounty account refill requests.
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Restaurants-Self-Order - Week - 1 #18

Closed yaya-BL closed 3 years ago

yaya-BL commented 3 years ago

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πŸ“ Weekly Report For TNB Projects

Basic Details

πŸ§ͺ Name of the Project: Restaurants-Self-Order

πŸ“… Report Date: [02-20-2021]

πŸ“œ Team Work Report

βœ… Accomplishments this week

  1. Worked on "Staff portal"
  2. Meetings about the item's DB design
  3. Conducted a couple of interviews with possible backend designers, and hired 1 FE dev
  4. On boarded the new FE dev
  5. Reviewing the designs
  6. And more...

🚩 Goals for next week

  1. Get the FE dev to work on the staff portal
  2. Finish the customer view design
  3. integrate the BE with the staff portal

πŸ”­ Long term goals

  1. Finish both Staff portal and vendor portal FE & BE
  2. Finish the mobile app customer view & vendor view

❗❓ Concerns


πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Team Members Contribution Details

skybrandevs :

emlex007 :

SazidAhmed with dhakal0kushal


manishram commented 3 years ago

Designs are looking great πŸ’―

yaya-BL commented 3 years ago

@manishram Please note the update on this issue

manishram commented 3 years ago

@itsnikhil @yaya-BL forgot to put his own contribution to the project and hence he was not paid. He updated his report with his past week's contribution, so please send him his weekly payment.

His account number can be found here: