thenewboston-blockchain / Projects

Proposals for projects and apps for thenewboston.
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Kotlin Multiplaform Mobile SDK #169

Closed IanArb closed 2 years ago

IanArb commented 3 years ago

How would you describe your project?

We've already started implementing all the core API endpoints for the Kotlin SDK repository here -

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile is a framework introduced by Jetbrains to share core business logic across platforms such as Android and iOS. Instead of using cross platform technologies such as React Native or Flutter we can share the business logic and leverage the native capabilities of Android and iOS for better user experience.

This means we won't have to have 2 projects for each platform, Android and iOS. The core business logic would be written in Kotlin and compiled to the specific platform’s language, Swift/Objective C for iOS and Java/Kotlin for Android. I encourage you to read the official statement and the use cases from Jetbrains.

What problem does it solve?

The goal of the Kotlin Multiplatform SDK is to provide a wrapper library for the REST APIs. This will target Android and iOS platforms. It will release an aar library for Android and a cocoapods framework for iOS.

Who is the target market?

Android and iOS apps that wish to integrate the TNB crypto currency into their products.

How will this project benefit the network and/or the community?

The opportunity and benefit is to provide SDKs to mobile platforms and unlock our crypto currency in the mobile space. For instance, exchanges such as Coinbase already have mobile SDKs and an app.

How is this project centered around thenewboston?

It provides the network calls to the API endpoints in the currency network and exposes them as a wrapper library. This reduces the workload for an app to integrate the API endpoints where it would just need to call the repository for the specific API. e.g. ConfirmationRepository.kt in the SDK implementation to date.

Example of repository -

What is the estimated completion date for this project? (rough estimates are acceptable)

Since the majority of the endpoints are complete. It is the matter of porting it to iOS and should be completed within 10-12 weeks.

Please include a detailed roadmap for your project below. This must include a list of all milestones where payments will be awarded upon completion of each.

SN Roadmap Name Estimated Duration
1 Publish SDK to Github packages for integration 1 Week
2 Integrate SDK into sample Android app 2 Weeks
3 Start porting the SDK into Kotlin Multiplatform Phase 1 - Gradle config 2 Weeks
4 Fix the iOS concurrency issues 2 Weeks
5 Publish the SDK into swift package 2 Weeks
6 Publish the SDK into iOS framework for Objective C support 2 Weeks
7 Integrate into iOS sample app 2 Weeks
8 Prepare beta and release candidates for the SDK on Android and iOS 2 weeks

What is your Discord username?

Ian Arbuckle (

Milestone Details

Please include a detailed breakdown of the first milestone including a list of all quantifiable objectives and estimated coin value of each. Upon completion of the milestone, each objective will be reviewed by thenewboston team and once all objectives have been verified as completed, coins will then be rewarded.

Note that all future detailed milestone breakdowns will be written as a separate GitHub issue. Only the first one is included in the project proposal.

Milestone Description

Testing the integration of Kotlin SDK in Android apps

Requested Payment Upon Completion


# Objective Estimated Value (coins)
1 Integrate SDK into Android app 5000
2 Publish Android SDK using Github packages 5000
3 Testing the SDK library 2500

Milestone Description

Porting Kotlin SDK into Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile

Requested Payment Upon Completion


# Objective Estimated Value (coins)
1 Configure gradle to port to KMM 5000
2 Make the concurrency model compatible with iOS 5000
3 Integrate into a sample iOS app (native) 5000
4 Publish Swift Package 5000
5 Publish framework for Objective C compatibility 5000
6 Beta testing 2500
manishram commented 3 years ago

Hey, @IanArb please update your proposal with a new proposal format and details. Check the new project proposal format HERE

IanArb commented 3 years ago

Hey @manishram updated with the new format.

manishram commented 3 years ago

Govs. are going to decide if this proposal should be treated as a project or a core project.

angle943 commented 3 years ago

@IanArb hey Ian, a couple things are unclear to me.

For your milestone 1, it says that you will integrate the SDK into a sample android app. A couple questions:

1) is the SDK done for you to start integrating it? 2) what is the sample android app? 3) Has the sample android app been completed (albeit minus the sdk integration), or are you planning on building it from scratch?

IanArb commented 3 years ago

Hey @angle943 Justin,

  1. Correct, the SDK development is complete. It needs to be tested for integration into the sample app. Then if there are no bugs or issues we can create the library package.
  2. The sample Android app is just a simple UI like the account manager for testing the API calls from the SDK
  3. Yes the sample app is ready and just needs the SDK to be integrated into it. This is why I listed 2 milestones as the end goal is integrate this fully into Kotlin Multiplatform which requires additional effort and would require an iOS sample app too.
angle943 commented 3 years ago

FYI these questions refer strictly to milestone 1:

  1. Will you be publishing the sample android app anywhere?
  2. what will be the proof of work for the sample app sdk integration? (ie how would the auditors be able to check that you have completed milestone 1)
  3. what functionalities exactly does the sample app have? It is hard for us to guage how long the integration will take & the value in coins it will be worth without knowing exactly what functionalities the app has, and what functions you will be porting over to use the Kotlin sdk
IanArb commented 3 years ago
  1. Will you be publishing the sample android app anywhere?

The sample app lives the repository and will be only used for internal usage for the SDK integration. For example, we develop a new endpoint and we can use the sample app to validate these changes.

  1. what will be the proof of work for the sample app sdk integration? (ie how would the auditors be able to check that you have completed milestone 1)

You can validate the proof of work via the Pull Requests and the app module in the repository.

  1. what functionalities exactly does the sample app have? It is hard for us to guage how long the integration will take & the value in coins it will be worth without knowing exactly what functionalities the app has, and what functions you will be porting over to use the Kotlin sdk The functionality of the sample app consists of touchpoints as follows:

Account overview for transactions and balance Banks and Validators overview for transactions, accounts, blocks, confirmation blocks etc..

Basically any endpoint touchpoint from the API is covered in the sample app.

angle943 commented 3 years ago

Milestone 1 has been approved by the governors. Specifically, the amount of 12,500. Once that is completed, please write up a milestone payout request for the work done, and then we can discuss the next milestone (the one for 27,500)

IanArb commented 3 years ago

Hey @angle943 thanks for that. Just saw this now.

manishram commented 3 years ago

Hey @IanArb please comment here your project repo url.

IanArb commented 3 years ago

Hey @manishram