thenewboston-blockchain / Projects

Proposals for projects and apps for thenewboston.
MIT License
70 stars 33 forks source link

Automated Freelancing Service #178

Open Kycermann opened 3 years ago

Kycermann commented 3 years ago

Project Details

How would you describe your project?

Discord server with a custom bot that manages freelancing orders. We will use Discord's brand new shiny slash commands.

  1. /ticket will create your own ticket channel called #ticket-yourname
  2. You will then select the service you want from the list and enter a description of what you need
  3. Approved freelancers will be able to pick up your project and join the channel, ask for more info etc
  4. The assigned freelancer will use /invoice <amount> to request TNB payment from you (to an escrow wallet for new freelancers or directly to the freelancer's wallet for established freelancers)
  5. The #ticket-yourname channel will live as long as needed, until a the freelancer uses /close (we will keep old channels for 7 days)

What problem does this project solve?

Super easy work requests.

Who is the target market?

Anyone who needs work done: art, consulting, everything.

How will this project benefit the network and/or the community?

Need graphics? Advice? A website? Github issue solution? This service will offer reliable, timely and consistent services.

How is this project centered around thenewboston?

We only accept TNB as payment.

What is the estimated completion date for this project? (rough estimates are acceptable)

May 4th 2021

Please include a detailed roadmap for your project below. This must include a list of all milestones where payments will be awarded upon completion of each.

1. April 10th Initial setup and hiring.

2. April 20th Create, install and set up the open source ticket management bot.

3. April 30th Improve the ticket management bot.

What is your Discord username?


Milestone Details


Set up Discord server, legal Terms & Conditions and recruit 1-2 freelancers for each category: graphics, web development, Discord bot development, financial consulting, project management, community management, marketing, promotional material

Requested Payment Upon Completion

13,333 TNBC


Requested Payment Upon Completion

23,333 TNBC

Milestone Description

Requested Payment Upon Completion

23,334 TNBC

# Objective Estimated Value (coins)
1 Set up Discord server 1000
2 Terms & Conditions 5000
3 Freelancer agreement & recruit 10+ freelancers 5000
4 Set up Discord bot code 5000
5 /ticket 5000
6 Claim a ticket (button) 5000
7 /invoice 10,000
8 Sending / receiving TNBC 5,000
9 /set_address
10 /close release and /close refund 5,000
angle943 commented 3 years ago

what is the estimated time needed for each objective? (in hours)

Kycermann commented 3 years ago

@angle943 The times are calculated at 1000 TNBC / hour. Most of these things will take at least 2-3 hours (code, structure, tests, deployment etc) and of course for software engineering you have to at least double the estimates.

buckyroberts commented 3 years ago

Hey @Kycermann, the government reviewed and we think this is an awesome idea. One change we would like to request to the proposal, for legal reasons can you please remove all mentions of "USD" in your milestone descriptions?

Also we did have one question for clarification, this project/bot would be hosted on a Discord server separate from the main thenewboston server, is that correct?

Kycermann commented 3 years ago

Hey @buckyroberts, all done. I was planning to have freelancing/services in a seperate server- but I'm more than happy to set it up in the official one!

angle943 commented 3 years ago

Hello @Kycermann , we approve this project. We have decided upon 50000 coins upon the completion of this entire project (as one milestone).

alpha-titan commented 2 years ago

How can I contribute to this project?

hussu010 commented 2 years ago

Hi @manishram maakay team would like to take over the project.

Kycermann commented 2 years ago

Hi, apologies for delays. I'm working on it and it'll be ready soon :)

Kycermann commented 2 years ago

How can I contribute to this project?

If you'd like to help with finding freelancers and moderation, add my Discord- Pixel#5000. Cheers!

Kycermann commented 2 years ago

@manishram :)

tspearing commented 2 years ago

@Kycermann, please submit a milestone payout request for this project: Milestone Payout Request