thenewboston-blockchain / Projects

Proposals for projects and apps for thenewboston.
MIT License
70 stars 33 forks source link

TNBShop #211

Open buckyroberts opened 3 years ago

buckyroberts commented 3 years ago

Project Details

How would you describe your project?

This project is an ecommerce platform that store owners can download and install on their server. It will provide all the tools they need to be able to sell their goods online for TNBC including:

What problem does this project solve?

There is currently no easy way to sell goods online for TNBC. This project will provide a solution that not only works for one shop, but for many types of shops.

Who is the target market?

Business owners, store owners, and anyone else who wants to sell goods online for TNBC.

How will this project benefit the network and/or the community?

It will grow thenewboston economy by providing a way for people to easily sell their goods online for TNBC.

How is this project centered around thenewboston?

The only form of payment available to both the customers and the store owners is TNBC.

What is the estimated completion date for this project? (rough estimates are acceptable)

6-8 months.

Please include a detailed roadmap for your project below. This must include a list of all milestones where payments will be awarded upon completion of each.

What is your Discord username?


Additional files and documentation including architectural diagrams, wireframes, research documents, visuals, etc… (optional)

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Milestone Details

Please include a detailed breakdown of the first milestone including a list of all quantifiable objectives. Upon completion of the milestone, each objective will be reviewed by thenewboston team and once all objectives have been verified as completed, coins will then be rewarded.

Note that all future detailed milestone breakdowns will be written as a separate GitHub issue. Only the first milestone is included in this project proposal.

First Milestone Description

The first milestone will be the store setup wizard/form. Before the store owner can begin uploading their products they must first provide basic information about their store and admin user. This includes store contact info, store admin login details, store logo, etc...

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First Milestone Objectives

# Objective How can auditors verify milestone?
1 Form where store admin can set the name of their store Will provide a testing environment for auditors where they can test out all features
2 Form to set store contact info including phone number, address, etc... Will provide a testing environment for auditors where they can test out all features
3 Form to set the store admins login details Will provide a testing environment for auditors where they can test out all features
4 Form to upload store logo Will provide a testing environment for auditors where they can test out all features
5 Form to set optional domain name Will provide a testing environment for auditors where they can test out all features

How long do you estimate this first milestone will take to complete?

~1 month

Project Wallet


Kycermann commented 3 years ago

@buckyroberts I'd be happy to help with this

manishram commented 3 years ago

Hey @Kycermann this is not a real project proposal. This is just a sample proposal so that new people can refer to it.