thenewboston-developers / thenewboston-Backend

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Ia Discord Integration #215

Closed buckyroberts closed 3 months ago

buckyroberts commented 4 months ago


Develop a Discord bot to allow Discord users to interact with Ia and


We will use the following method for authentication:


Users can interact with the bot using the /ia command followed by natural language instructions.


/ia What is the capital of Spain?

Future Development

In the next version, we plan to add support for function calling, enabling actions like:

/ia send @Muhammad Abdurrehman 10 TNB

Reference: OpenAI Function Calling


To use the Ia Discord integration:

  1. Must have a account
  2. The user's account must be linked to their Discord account
  3. Each /ia command will cost 1 TNB

If any requirement is not met, the bot will respond with an error message indicating the reason for failure.

Development Tasks

  1. Work with Bucky to develop a prompt template
  2. Implement the bot using the developed prompt template
  3. Create the authentication system on for linking Discord accounts
  4. Implement the /ia command functionality
  5. Set up the TNB charging system for each command
  6. Develop error handling for unmet requirements

Future Improvements